Handprint/snowmen ornanments |
This time around are the crafts the kids produced for gifts...with assistance from me.. and of course some from pinterest!... On pinterest I found ornaments similiar to these, but adapted them a bit. The intial project used blue ornaments, but I found clear plastic ornaments and snowflake confetti at my local arts and crafts store.

Trevor is very into "I cut" right now... He loves to use a scissors... he actually uses them better than he holds a crayon or pencil. We need to work on correcting that, but I am not sure where to start?! We are just happy that he enjoys projects so much, just like his brother. We made the blue snow affects by filling the ornanment with 4 different colors of blue (cardstock from the scrapbook supply!) ...then they cut and they cut and they cut somemore... we actually had to use 2 nights for this portion of the project -- just for filling the ornanments... it is alot more area to fill than you would think! I curled some longer blue strips around a pencil just for some more interest. We used small drinking cups to stabilize the ornaments!!.. It worked great! Then we applied white paint (we used cabinet paint, that I had on hand) to some little hands and made the snowman scene/handprint. I let them dry over night and added the details with acrylic paints later the next day. Of course I needed the year and the name matched up to the hand print for future reference.

Isaac begs to do "projects." So, not surprisingly -- while we were shopping for the ornament supplies we passed by the unfinished bird houses. Isaac was VERY persistant on getting them to paint for Grandma and Grandpa. So I gave in... yet another project to do in the busiest time of year...But I couldn't have been happier that I did -- give in --.... The boys painted for almost 2 hours...as I was taking pictures during the process I could see the glow in their eyes that showed their pride. (They are not the prettiest bird houses I have seen, but they are created with pride.) When we got home with our bag full of projects...the boys couldn't wait to get started...so much so that some fits were had, as it was bed time and time didn't allow for the start of their adventures.
Isaac concentrates with his tongue sticking out...lol! |
So while the kids were getting ready for bed and sleeping, I painted the basecoat on the houses...Thank goodness I did, cuz their was ALOT of little parts that needed to get covered. They had all night to dry. BUT as soon as the boys had eaten...a very well eaten...breakfast. (They had a project to do!) They started right in... I got alot done in the kitchen that morning as well... I just helped when a new color was requested and rinsed out their brushes.... So a project that at first, I felt wasn't really needed...ended up being a very appealing idea for a couple of little boys and the gift recepients.
One of the HAPPY recipients!! -- Grandpa! |
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