Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lowes and IKEA! = "spectactular" garage storage!

I have an idea... get organized (again)!  I ventured into the man's area that my husband "Wanted to organize," so I let him -- now I had the time to fix that mistake!  We built our house on the design that my husband got the garage that he wanted.  I wasn't sold on the house until I got to monkey around with the "inside" design... Now I love it!  BUT -- HE was STILL unsatisfied with garage space... I think he is full of malarkey!  There is never enough of it -- I know, but build some storage and sort everything out!  When everything has its place its clear you can produce much more room.

So I got the inspired organizer in me out and got to thinking... We just needed to hide some of the junk we have!... Find that place for everything!...

Most important to me was to have a storage area for the not so pretty, but totally organizational thing known as "the big red tool holder," well to me anyways!!...aka Craftsman tool chest.  Also, the eyesore of a garbage can needed a place within our "let's get organized production."

Our garage has 2 single garage doors on the left side and 1 single garage door on the right side (YOU can find room in your garage too!  I know you can)... with an outstanding area calling my name for storage in the middle...some of the house (mudroom and bathroom) is located within it also.  So, with the perfect area configured and a set counter height (above the tool chest), length available for the project was determined (minus the garbage can).

Area before:

I had fallen in love with the IKEA organizing system of 3 buckets!  ADORABLE... All garage storage areas should be referred to as adorable right?  I HAD TO in cooperate these into my house in some way and since my kitchen was all set... I bought them for nail/screw/small parts storage solutions!   Ok so mine needed to be "adorable" and items needed to be stowed out of site -- as this work area is steps outside of the door I use the most to exit my house -- so obviously, if you know me there was NO WAY -- I would look at a mess when I head out. 

IKEA organization -- doesn't
it look stellar!
We measured the Craftsman tool chest and marked 2 inches above that measurement on the wall... Luckily, the electrical plug-in was in the perfect spot!  Great access for our workbench.  After much debate (can't go to Lowes -- or shopping period -- without a debate if we both go!), we agreed on the three unfinished cabinets shown below.  Just a quick quote I heard that fits our shopping experiences perfectly -- Going shopping with your husband, is like him hunting with the game warden!  = not much fun at all is it?!

The biggest challenge for us was the lower cabinet was too short to accommodate our tool chest height... we thought adding a nook above it by placing particle board on top of the cabinetry (because they are open) was the best use of space -- vs. something under it to lift the height.  With the added additional inches needed, we gained the perfect area for a small tool box that my grandpa thoughtfully developed especially for our wedding -- It contains many of his tools... so a special spot for a heartfelt box!

Peg Board -- What garage organization is complete without peg board!... so we had to add it too!  Most of the smaller tools had their place in the tool chest, but it is sooooo handy to have the hammer, screwdrivers, and a tape measure so easily accessible.  Someday I am still going to add our initial to the peg board (as seen on pinterest -- where else!?)... just a little more character to a fun, workable space!

We are far from professionals -- but completely able to achieve the goal of garage organization for around $350!  We even had some extra shelving from inside the house for closet organization! so we added a shelf above the garage can.  Now there is a bit more "space" in this spacious garage... maybe I can avoid hearing about the lack of it for a little while -- until we acquire more tools I suppose!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Clownin' Around

Isaac did it... he made me nervous like I have never been before.  I guess I have been nervous about issues before, but I really hadn't had this feeling of not knowing if I was going to be able to correct this behavior or the fear that I wouldn't correct it in an effective way????  Doesn't that make sense... either way it needed to be straightened out ASAP.  I don't expect that my children aren't going to have struggles or issues at school, but not being there in person to take care of or actually see what is going on and how he is handling it... makes for a hard situation to correct. 

I believe in establishing right and wrongs AS the situation is evident.  So, it was my first experience as a parent to deal with an out of control situation without actually being about to take care of it right way....

What's this situation I am referring to?  Isaac decided he was going to be the Kindergarten Class Clown.... he was disrupting class by trying anything and everything to get his classmates to giggle, and when they gave him the encouragement to strive from more.   

Where was this coming from?  Knowing me -- I wanted to find the REASONS behind the behavior... what has been going on? ...

Nothing much has changed in our schedules...I don't think it had been adequate time for Isaac to know the workload I have on me right now -- I have added 2 "nursing" classes to teach at the technical college to my already busy schedule, which of course are opposite of my normal teaching now a full week of teaching incooperated into my 12 hour-night shift schedules.  I was asked to help out when the normal instructor had some family medical issues that she needed to cope with.  I was more than honored to be asked as I would love to be doing this work FULL TIME.. and sooner than later, but I don't think that is coming as quickly as I would like --- ANYWAYS.....The week Isaac was acting up I had just started this chaos of work and home life schedules.  So, I kind of ruled the "Mommy changes" out -- I know he doesn't like that I work nights -- him and me both --  but I have been doing this for 5 months is hard to not sit down with family in the evening, afterall that's who I am and who I want my kids to become...I know there are plenty of families out there that struggle with shift work, I am not used to it.  Upside...he gives GREAT hugs when I say goodbye, my heart breaks everytime, both for the sweetness of the hug and the emotion he is feeling cuz I am leaving. -- so maybe if in a few weeks this happens again, this could be readdressed?  The worst part for me was trying to deal with behavior issues from the other end of a phone call.  The first night I knew of the incidents I was able to pick him up from daycare, but only had a few minutes to get to the bottom of it.

So what was going on/why was he needed to clown around?... I discussed it with a few parents at work  -- some ideas included:

Trying to impress others?  Maybe he felt the need to make different friends or fit in differently?  Is there a girl?  WOW -- I don't know...not ready to deal with that... but I suppose it is quite innocent at this age.

Is he bored?  He is quite smart if I do say so myself.  His reading is astonishing-- not that other Kindergarteners aren't reading at his levels, but very proud of his accomplishments.  His writing is amazing.  (It is crazy what they can accomplish in 1/2 year of their first year of school!)  Although, I am not convinced that this isn't the issue I have great doubts that it is.  They keep those students on their toes... and further more -- our school, maybe others?? -- is sooooo good and dividing up the students in activities to suit their strengths and weakness without really setting them into categories of smartness.  He often reminds me how much he loves school -- so how could this be the problem. 

Is there inappropriateness in the setting?... As one parent mentioned -- a poster of a baboon's naked red butt hanging around the classroom???  I have attended some classroom activities (like the RED Event) and have NEVER seen anything like that, although I see her point with "easy" to achieve a "good" laugh out of something like that...I would assume maturity levels are something that are of great concern in the big K... SO, HIGHLY doubtful, but I understand why she brought it up. 

I still don't understand what provoked the behavior...maybe nothing?

We as parents pressured him a bit to get this figured out-- when I first brought it up he started to cry... I told him that wasn't exceptable as we need to solve this and getting this empathy from me by crying wasn't going to cut it.  I wanted him to explain the situtation to me... he didn't do that very well, especially with some denial and lying going on...but we did accomplish that this wasn't exceptable behavior.  Actually, one of the first questions I asked him was, "who are the naughty kids in your class?" -- he named 2 kids and HIMSELF... Right then he knew he was in trouble. 

Most important was my relief of communication of his teacher.  Without addressing issues as soon as possible, things can get out of hand quickly -- not matter what the issue.  I could feel the concern in her voice when she had to make "that call" to me to express that my kid is disrupting class.  The critizism that may usually accompany such calls must be intimidating.  I am sure it is one of the worst parts of a teachers job.  (I haven't had these encounters -- good part of dealing with 18+ year olds... we can't talk to their parents!)  I hope they (school officials/teachers) relize how important that phone call was to me.  How a child ACTS in school affects the rest of their life... anything from if school comes easy to them or they struggle, to the socialization that comes with acting out issues. 

He was extremely concerned the last few days with -- if his teacher had commnicated with us yet..."Did Mrs. V. e-mail you yet Mom?"  So, what happens when that fear wears off???

Having control without actually BEING there to have the control... IT WAS a big challenge for me.  Believing in my child is what helped me through it. :) 

THANK GOODNESS -- it only happened for 3 least I hope the process of becoming a class clown is over.  I can only hope.  I realize the need to address this later and a continuation of the support he needs now is important.  Its not that I don't want Isaac to be himself, even if it is a clown-like image, but he needs to know when its appropriate.

Throughout this continued process, I have told him how important it is to be "Isaac," nobody else -- what a huge struggle that is -- afterall, we as adults can't grasp that.  Oh the challenges of life, why can't they be easier?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"1" Hungry Little Caterpillar

My niece turned 1!

What a great time planning and throwing a Hungry Caterpillar 1st Birthday Party.  It was soooooo simple, yet soooooo effective! 

Paige's parents made invitations that looked like a big leaf with a caterpillar climbing on it...the who, what, when, and where were printed on each "vein" on the leaf for the party.

Decorations included helium balloons.  We chose to use 6 -- 1 red for the head and 5 for each letter in her name!  We used a black sharpie marker to sketch a face on the red balloon and a letter on each of the following...Black pipe cleaners became antennas  by curling the ends of 2 and taping them on the back of the caterpillars head... legs/feet were produced by folding 1 black pipe cleaner in half and just wrapping it around the base of the each balloon.. also bending out the ends to make the feet.  It was important to tape the balloons together so the name was legible and the effect was MUCH better that way -- Balloons "dance" around ALOT.  Her parents bought her a butterfly puppet just like in the book...The caterpillar we created!

We created caterpillars for a fun activity for the children that attended... The 1 year old's Mommy demonstrated the easy and fun to make craft and the kids finished them with pride quite quickly -- a key at a busy party!!  So it went really well!
The party was around Christmas so the "party" pack of pompoms on sale were the PERFECT colors for our project.  1 red for the head and a variety of greens for the bodies.  There were different sizes within the party bags so we decided to separate them into prepackaged bags for each child that way the bodies matched the heads, etc... They each grabbed a bag that contained their pompoms, 2 googly eyes, 1 cut pipecleaner about 1 1/2 inches long for the antennas and 1 mouth (made of black construction paper punched out with a hole punch!).  We supplied glue bottles they shared.  Just a dot of glue in between each pompom and don't forget to stick the antennas in between the red and 1st green one before the glue dries.  We wrote their names on one big cardboard box where they placed their caterpillar to dry -- why we did the project first. 

These are like the ones we made (Guess
we didn't get a picture?)

They served a delicious lunch and included these adorable kebabs out of green grapes and strawberries.  They were a huge hit.  We placed them in a tall glass, so they were easy to grab as a fun treat.


Cake -- Well cupcakes mostly!  The face of the caterpillar is a small 4" round, the cupcakes are held in place with a dab of frosting on the bottom of each.  We also used pipecleaners on the cakes for a 3D effect for the antennas.  Such a simple cake (plenty of extra green cupcakes were made to serve as well!) with such a BIG impact. 

The 1st birthday girl needed her own cake to get messy with.  I used a mini muffin pan for the body of her caterpillar.  I think she enjoyed it...wouldn't you agree?

Paige did so good being the center of attention.  She had quite a busy schedule with her first Christmas and birthday in the same week.  We all enjoyed the party and hope someday she thinks it was just as special as I did!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Little Helpers...

 A quick blog about my 2 little helpers....  They love to HELP me in the kitchen... esp. when it comes to baking.  Isaac wants to eat the frosting and lick the batter bowl the most and Trevor just wants to make a mess.  AND the messier the BETTER?!

Here is our all morning project of making Christmas Tree Sugar Cookies... We started in PJs and by the time we finished they went right into the wash machine (the PJs not the kids!!)

Trevor and I made the dough and turned it all GREEN.  Trevor was calling it mint ice cream... that is when Isaac finally decided to HELP out.  He was being that little stinker of... I want to know what is going on, but I don't feel like helping... But MOM... what are you doing next?  As Trevor admired.. I rolled out the green dough and cut into random sized triangles -- the sizes didn't matter at all!  So, that was an easy part (not worrying about the sticking to the cookie cutters!  Then, after the green triangles cooled... we began making them into Christmas trees... AND what a mess WE made...

Isaac enjoying making a different batch of Christmas Cookies
...made easy with an ice cream scoop - He loves to use it!
I "stringed" the trees with yellow frosting from a decorating bag.  I used frosting that was a little bit watered down (compared to the frosting I use for a cake) that way the "decorations" would have somethingmore to stick to.  (And more time for the decorating to get done!)

Once the boys started they really got into it!  I placed a piece of waxed paper under a cooling sheet so the excess would go through and we could easily use it again.  They boys were quite concerned that the "sugars" were then mixed together, but they got over it pretty quickly... (do they have a bit of OCD too?? HA!)

They made ALOT of cookies (Note to self though -- 1 batch would be plenty...both for the entertainment of creating cookies and serving them at Christmas!)  That would have saved me some time too! ... I enjoyed every minute spent with them being creative!  I hope they did too!  Can't wait until next year's Christmas baking, although my gut is glad it is over!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's a Pirate's life for me...for 1 day anyway!!

Like I really have time to blog... but I have 1 hour and it relaxes me!!!... so why not! (Not soooo relaxing when pictures don't want to load...but here we are!!)

This birthday season (2 boys' birthdays in October turns into a season in our house!) -- we decided to join the birthday madness together.  We were moving into our house at the beginning of Oct so Isaac was asked if we could have one together... I let him pick the theme (with a little persuasion!)  HE chose PIRATES!!!... I already had SOOOOO many ideas.  I would have made any of them work, but I try to stay away from character lead ones... I don't know why, they are perfectly fine and fun and fabulous... but I was thrilled to throw my pirates a great birthday bash... Lots of pictures in this one... but helps with the explaining!!!

The Birthday Boys... they were soooo excited about their cake, and so was their mommy!

Of Course the cake was a big hit!! 

I made 2-- 9 x 13" rectangular cakes... cut the bump off of one -- for the top of the treasure chest and added the remainder of that cake to the bottom of the chest... frosted the entire cake with chocolate buttercream frosting and piped the decorations on from there.  I made a wedge out of styrofoam to prop the top cake board up... you don't need much of an angle... alot less than I expected... maybe only like 10 degrees.  We had ordered the Gold Coins (both chocolate and fake plastic ones) from Oriental Trading Company... the 2 different shades of gold really worked well on the cake!  The jewels are piped to look like necklaces or loose rocks!... Adding the eye patch really helped!... just dangled it from the corner.  This really was quite a simple cake for how big of an impact it made for a party!!

 We used some "treasure maps" I found again on OTC for both invitations and the hunting clues for the treasure box!  On the invites we wrote:

Isaac turns 6 and Trevor turns 4.
X marks the spot of the Parrrrrrty (insert address here).
Hoist your anchors and set your sails to arrive (insert date here). 
Be there at 3:30 pm or risk Walking the Plank!

They were also a big hit... I don't believe in RSVP's but you could add that too (never get an accurate count from them -- I am one of those that forgets to RSVP... so if I'm invited and I did not send my regrets, then I will be there... ha ha... Oops!!)
So much fun was had on the plank... just a long board we prompt up on 2 five gallon buckets!... At first some were nervous (esp. Trevor) but by the end of the party they were all super fast at "Jumping into the sharks"... that is what the game became....

So onto the Treasure hunt... The boys and I made up treasure bag (favors, that included an eye patch, bouncy balls, it was fall so all of the candies were "metals" colored.. hershey kisses, york peppermint patties... and of course both sets of gold coins!)  and wrote the names of the kids expected at the party on each bag... THAT way EVERYONE gets one!!! The "box" was filled with the favors and I created "clues" for a treasure hunt that sent the party goers all over the house... one clue led them to the bathtub... another to the movie cabinet...another to the cereal cabinet.... Then one day close to the party the Treasure box disappeared... the boys were not happy... I had hid it already.  And Isaac figured out "X" marked the spot... but I scolded... ha.... him to get away from the decorations!!!  lol!!!

  Decorations also found at OTC... The X made with warning tape.. where the treasure's last clue led them...

I made the Treasure box by covering a box that a ream of paper comes in with paperbags and coloring with crayons and markers to get shades of brown... the "leather straps" are the handles of the paper bags colored with black marker... Don't forget the key hole!

 Be sure to take LOTS of pictures of your pirates... especially saying what Pirates say "ARRRRRRGHHHHH."

And to leave you with a pirate joke you can share at your party... The boy's uncle asked Isaac this one day... and he didn't really get it!  Ha...

What is a Pirate's favorite letter?

 You would think it is the " RRRRRRRRRRRRgggghhhh!"

But it's the "C"... sea... get it!!!!! 
 Hope it's a pirate's life party for you someday too!!!... WE all had a blast!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Simple Thank YOUS...


Simple, CHEAP thanks yous... Thank yous are soooo easy....soooo appreciated...... and such a great way to show your children what it means to have someone who cares about you, or helps you to GROW in soooooo many ways!! ;)

Here is a simple little pot we clipped and repotted a plant we already had in our house and spiced it up with a thank you note... "thanks for helping me grow." 

Inspirational ways to express our gratitude are made sooooo easy with Pinterest to assist us.  Numerous "food" ideas are great ways as well... "May your holidays be merry and 'Sprite'  " ... Love that one... willm have to use it soon!

This small pot was a direct inspiration from the amazing site, but you can adapt soooooo much just by personalizing your gift for your special occasion. Or adapting certain "holiday" ideas to suit your needs! 

Remember those who help you, family, or friends... even in the smallest ways.  We never can say thank you enough, especially when it affects your child!

Isaac helped plant this little guy...and couldn't wait to share it with his teacher! We were still in the apartment when we shared this thank you, so the typed up sign and clip art are displayed by sticking a drinking straw into the soil (due to lack of craft supplies!) ... but it sure worked well and I would use it again!... Easy to staple the card stock too!

Simple ...... and soooooooooo cheap!!  Cost about $3!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

THE life of a Kindergartener...

Boy oh boy JULY was my last post... well now I have plenty to blog about and catching up to do! A house to call home, crafts and decorating ideas, we've had a great pirate birthday party lately!!! So maybe I can find a bit of time to continue on this adventure.

The first of many ideas running about my brain is how Isaac is dealing with Kindergarten. Or how his mom is too.. for that matter.

The kid LOVES it... Here is why I know this.

So I picked him up from daycare today -- and he knows its Friday -- and the first full fledged conversation we have to have is when the next day of school is. This most recent conversation was a rough one, as he some how "blames" me that he has to WAIT until Tuesday to go to school, so that is 3 WHOLE DAYS MOM... (Monday is Veteran's day, so no school of course!) He really does get visibly upset that he needs to wait longer than normal to head back to the BIG K. I don't know what they do to him there (actually I do -- they are VERY informative!), but the kid can't live without it.

Here is another example of the angony I must put my kid through if he were to miss a bit of school:

He needed a well-child visit, because my baby turned 6! wow... So I got one scheduled and due to my schedules at work (crazy and all over the place) I wanted an early afternoon appointment. We were able to get one! So, Trevor had speech from 11:25 to 11:55am that day. I thought what a great time saver for me to grab Isaac at the same school for his 1pm appointment-- I grabbed my 2 boys, we then dropped Trevor off back at Daycare and I wanted to TREAT Isaac to lunch with his mom.

He seemed a bit on edge, but we all are sometimes, so we ate at Taco Bell someplace Isaac BEGS for and Trevor dreads -- thus the "treat" of it all!! (and that his mom is there right??!) He seemed to enjoy that -- but once we got into the Jeep I was questioned, "How long is this appointment?" I told him probably about 1 hour. "Oh so I can go back to school then," he stated with SOOOO much excitement in his eyes! I broke the news to him that it would be pretty pointless for him to go back for 1/2 hour and that he will probably not be going back.

He was then quiet...VERY QUIET. I was driving so wasn't paying much attention... until I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw my 6 year old struggling to hold bad HUGE tears that were building up in his eyes. My heart broke for him... I was so shocked and amazed at his awareness of the "burden" that he had to visit the doctor during his prime school hours. I didn't say anything at that moment... afterall, I couldn't figure out what to say? I was proud, yet anxious for him -- then the dilema that we would be arriving at the appointment shortly -- and what would they think I did to my kid when he is crying like that?? -- then I heard a BIG sigh in the back seat. It was beyond dramatic, he definately wanted me to see the troubles I was putting him through, because as I looked up into the rearview mirror -- I saw a growing boy that had a deathy smirk on his face -- clearly mad at ME for putting him through this. He whipped his head around to glare out the window. Then, I knew we needed to talk... after all, wasn't it obvious after that sigh??

I asked, what's wrong Isaac -- there was no teenaged "nothing" coming out of him, cuz all at once the tears could no longer be sustained.. they were pouring out of his now bagging eyes. "I want to go back to school."

How could you not attempt bringing him back after having your heart broken by these reactions...the reaction I got from the office when I signed him back into school post doctor's appointment -- was an obvious, "what the hell are you coming back for -- look"... I just stated "he had to come back!" As the reception smirked, I shrugged my shoulders, but with a little relief that my child can find the joys in school that so many are not finding, or are not having the opportunity to find. Let's just hope this ambition holds on for a VERY long time, as we know as a Kindergarten he has a very long road ahead of him!

He strives to be just what we are expecting him to be. It is amazing for all the expectations we have of kids, they still want to have someone be proud of them and they want to make us "happy." If only we can find more ways to relieve this stress for our children -- just be children. Yet, Isaac succeeds gracefully at these attempts to satisfy. Its amazing to me, the product that my 6 year old has become. So PROUD of him -- and yes I tell him that, as often as I can!

Something to be extremely proud of:

We had our first parent/teacher's conference about 1 month ago. Isaac was there too...different than what I remember them being. We were told -- He's a role model, and a great student AND friend to his classmates!! He is exceeding in everything (except recognizing coins -- there are only 4 coins and he just can't get that for some reason-- guess he won't be an accountant??!!) AND there are 4 reading groups will be starting (have since started) and we would like Isaac to be in the highest level one as he is soooo ready for that! =Made me want to hold back my huge tears for many's amazing, I'm so proud, I'm glad it is easy for him as I dread when it isn't, but most importantly --- he is growing up WAY TOO FAST.

Choking up even right now. Of course there are times when this amazing 6 year old makes me want to pull my hair out, but how did I get so lucky to have a big boy in Kindergarten that can succeed beyond expectations of so many. How did we get this far, so fast?

As I pull this pop top off my Dr. Diet Pepper, I am reminded that he also wants to please his teacher... They collect pop tops, box tops for education, and UPC symbols (the latter we don't do??) and since it was mentioned in his class we have had a game warden in our house that monitors your every move..."Mom, can you drink a pop??" Yep, just so he can have a pop top for school... He is enthusicatic to say the LEAST.

So in conclusion, if you haven't figured out just how much Isaac appreciates his educational opportunities... I am sure there will be similiar stories to come! Love every inch of that 6 year old!