Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some good news arrived in the mail yesterday…although somewhat inappropriate to mail such important news in my mind.  I suppose if the results would have been opposite we would have received a call??? 

Anyways the psychologist shared Trevor’s evaluation and results of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale with us.  

CARS is a diagnostic assessment method that rates children on a scale from one to four for various criteria, ranging from normal to severe, and yields a composite score ranging from non-autistic to mildly autistic, moderately autistic, or severely autistic. The scale is used to observe and subjectively rate fifteen items.  Total CARS scores range from a fifteen to 60, with a minimum score of thirty serving as the cutoff for a diagnosis of autism on the mild end of the autism spectrum.  (Thanks again Wiki!)

Trevor’s CARS score was 20.5, which is in the “non-autisic” range.  !!

In the Vineland Scale he was scored as Low in 2 areas…Communication and Motor Skills, of which we were aware. 

So in summary – with some relief—we are back to dealing with Apraxia and are on the right course for him! 
He is still making great strides with his speech!  According to his speech language pathologist, he has major speech delays, but she can see great progress already! 

His Grandma visited briefly with us the other day and could tell the major improvements just since Thanksgiving!  Such a relief to hear that others, not with him everyday, can understand my child! 

He is still his very determined little self.  Good and bad moods come with that.  I think he is starting to trust in others more too -- including parents, friends, and strangers…we shall see what the busy and full holiday season brings.  But look out if he wants his way…I am quite sure he still feels that we don’t always understand what he wants, yet we do --but the answer isn’t what he is looking for. 

Let’s keep up the progress…determined little boy!  Love you with all my heart!

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