Monday, October 31, 2011

Your wish was granted!...

Trevor told me he was tired 4 times before we got to daycare this morning… I would take that as a successful birthday party.  I told him “Happy Birthday” this morning as he was crawling out of bed… and he sweetly and quietly said, “no.”  Too much fun for him yesterday?

So my wish for Trevor was GRANTED!  We posed for pictures with the cake prior to the party and practiced blowing out the candles, just in case!... And there was no need.  He even blew out the candles twice!  He had the sweetest grin after the first 4 blows to get 3 candles out!!!  He definitely knew it was his day at that point!  When Grandma offered to light them again… he didn’t refuse!  He was pretty proud of his cake.  That really made mommy feel good too!...

There was about a 20 minute period when he was glued to daddy’s or mommy’s hip… I was nervous that it was the end of the fun for him.  He was “hiding” on our laps during lunch… he only ate a nutri-grain bar… even over chips!!???  (later, we ordered pizza for supper and he ate 3 pieces!... so he was hungry!)  He did eat half of his cake though!!!... only on your birthday do you get to eat cake/dessert if you didn’t eat your lunch first!!!! Ha…….

Then he bursted into party action again!  Just in time to rip open... (gently actually!) every gift... He was snuggled into Daddy’s lap during gifts, but he wasn’t anxious much.  He even said, “Thank You!” to the crowd (after being prompted!) once the gifts were opened! 

Isaac was a pretty good big brother.  He took it upon himself to keep the party going.  My aunt told me, that he instructed the crowd, “There is no TV during a birthday party!”  Hard for most of the men around – Viking football was on.  (They got to watch the end!)  He was also in charge of bringing more gifts to Trevor to open… and did a WONDERFUL job of that.  He would go back to his seat and patiently wait while the open gifts were passed around for everyone to see.  He would pass them onto the next person in line…Were they paying attention???? = better be because he threw them most of the time!  Didn’t want to lose his seat?  Isaac did an impressive job of letting the party be Trevor’s… maybe wouldn’t have worked so well if his wasn’t the first of the October birthdays… so we will see in the future years!  BUT this morning and some last night… all of a sudden Trevor’s new toys are “Isaac’s toys.”… So just a challenge again!... After the “new” wears off… I bet the sharing will improve.  Let’s hope anyway. 

We had our last session of speech therapy at the rehab today.  He even left with a balloon for his birthday/last day.  AND some playdoh for a Halloween treat.  It was a mixed emotions day for me.  Happy to be moving on, yet he is just comfortable with the current SLP and now we are starting new.  We will see what Wednesday’s session brings. 

Pictures of the party coming soon!  Just wanted to share the success of the day!  Now onto Halloween activities… let’s hope everyone wears their costume and we remember our manners tonight!... Have a spooky, but safe Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Difficult Transitions...

Even though there are times of struggles as a family with a young child with apraxia… we make it through the day.  Like today for instance… it has barely started and I feel a knot tying in my stomach.  After the brief 10 minute “struggle” I had with Trevor this morning, I am again fearful for what the future is – how will others “in authority” deal with what he faces everyday.  I have had to open my eyes and come to the conclusion that it isn’t me that is struggling, it is my perfect little boy, who just wants to communicate like everyone else.  It has taken me WAY too long to figure this out.  So how can we as parents prepare the adults, he encounters in the future, to give him their time and patience? 

Trevor has 1 more speech therapy session at the rehab, and 1 final infant development (ID) session tonight.  Even though I am already convinced that the next speech therapy pathologist (SLP) is going to be just as great… (due to her emails, communications, and the preparing and questions she is already asking) I am beyond nervous for how Trevor will adapt.  He still takes us into his speech sessions now, is nervous when something is out of place or out of routine, and “shuts down” at any unforeseen challenge that faces him.  For example, he will not take a Halloween toy from our SLP -- ? because all of her toys are supposed to stay there?  Our ID specialist needs to “hide” from Trevor, if she is at the rehab for a weekly session, because she “isn’t supposed” to be at speech – that isn’t where he thinks she sees him. 

I shouldn’t have to be, but I am weary of his upcoming birthday party… He was clung to mom or dad the entire day at Isaac’s party.  He knows everyone who was there.. very well, for the most part.  My birthday wish for him is that he can enjoy his day, instead of fearing it. 

I have again been looking through the blogs and the CASANA website and a few things describe what I am feeling.  They were mostly thoughts for the transition into kindergarten – as a letter to give the teachers, but I feel it fits with the current transition as well.  I am not writing a letter during this time, because she is a SLP and knows what childhood apraxia of speech means.  But -- I will share some thoughts I ran across.  First in a blog I have recently been viewing… she uses her sons’ communication/speech ability fears like this: (the italicized words are adapted from her blog --  “Bringing Up Boys” @ )

I worry that “others” (teachers, SLP) won’t be able to understand him, since I have translated and know – apraxia Trevor.  My heart hurts thinking of him not being able to ask his teacher a question or talk to his friends the way he wants.  

I love that cross out for telling how Trevor “talks” apraxia… I think we as parents of apraxic children would LOVE if everyone just understood the frustrations and difficulties the child experiences daily.  I feel that both his parents, and daycare provider, along with his current SLP and ID specialist still find difficulty in “translating” apraxia Trevor.  With Trevor turning three, it seems he is more aware that he has to work harder to talk than the other kids. Many children with apraxia experience a great sense of failure and frustration in their attempts to communicate. Some children grow even quieter; others may act out their frustration. Children with apraxia need the support of teachers and parents.

Some of the example statements regarding to Trevor that describe “his apraxia” that I have found:
Ø  makes inconsistent sound errors
Ø  can understand language much better than he can produce it
Ø  May appear to be groping when attempting to produce sounds or to coordinate the lips, tongue, and jaw for purposeful movement (our daycare provider has really noticed this… he “mouths” words without the pronunciations of the words/letters out loud… Is he practicing or nervous it may come out wrong? Also, I have noticed him using his hands – opening and closing them when attempting  a word.)
Ø  Simplifies words by replacing difficult sounds with easier ones or by deleting difficult sounds (although all children do this, the child with apraxia of speech does so more often)
Ø  Appears to have more difficulty when he is anxious
Ø  It can be difficult for a child with apraxia to “break into” social communication and situations (why daycare at Gearing Up for Kindergarten wouldn’t work for Trevor)

Within the emails from our “new” SLP at the school, she sent a picture strip to prepare him for the transition.  (We REALLY don’t want to be in the room during the sessions.)  He concentrates and listens to his parents more than the SLP, and he needs to develop that relationship from the start.  So on these strips are his current favorite activities in the following pictures:  toys, playdoh, cut, and either mommy or daddy picture… So we have been attempting the preparation with the strips.  He really likes them so far… Daddy coming home from work… Mommy and Isaac went shopping the other day… REALLY hope he realizes what the strip means come next Wednesday.  (We – Joe and I-- have each  “stepped out” of the current sessions once and now it has gone well!!  But it will be a new person next week.)  Cross your fingers!

As CASANA puts it:  “Involved, informed, and educated parents are more effective at providing for their child’s needs and insuring that others do as well.”  (I believe that statement is true for any child –Isaac too!)  It is important for all of us to remember for Trevor: use repetition, patience, try to create a tension-free and interesting “communication environment” for my child.  Encourage but do not insist he try to speak.  Praise his attempts at speech, if only for effort.  Please know that sometimes my child might not respond or might respond by hiding or shutting down as a way to help himself get out of a difficult communication challenge he is facing.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bringing U up 2 DATE...

Glazing at the Cozi calendar of events for the next few weeks… I thought I would update you on progress or adjustments I have made in previous posts…because I will really have things to write about coming up!!!

SOCKS:  It has taken up until this week for both kids to willingly put on socks in the morning.  Isaac is still trying me…like – “I am going to bring my socks downstairs and not put them on until the sun comes up, ok Mom?” – ha, so whatever @ least they actually get put on.  Trevor just does whatever Isaac does, so he has followed suit. (not immediately, but we are there now!) Although the Halloween Birthday Boy still won’t wear any Halloween shirts… I guess we will wear them during the Christmas season. ;)

I have officially started the Christmas lists adventure.  We still need to draw names (Beland side of the family) and get a few ideas rolling…but well underway!

Trevor’s new bed time routine couldn’t be going better.  We eat supper (or not!!), and then its right to bath.  He hardly fusses about heading to the bathtub anymore either.  “Bubbles” is his biggest concern.  Joe has even managed to be getting him completely dressed after bath, for quite a while – it was a grab my clothes and go find mom… telling daddy it wasn’t his duty… he was very naughty during this stretch.  He then shows off his pajama’s to everyone… PROUDLY.  “woody ha” (still can’t get that t sound on hat). He has 3 pairs of Toy Story PJ’s!  and begs “itan, or itad” depending on the day.  It is his time to play --exclusively.  He has even been improving on actually “playing” an entire game.  For a while he would decide… “no…ot at one” (No, not that one)shaking his hand at the screen… “all done”… And we jumped between games = not learning much of anything.  So we have that under control again.  Then we may read books or just play together.  At , Isaac’s bathtime, everyone heads upstairs…one to bath and the other to bed.  Trevor has figured out somehow that Isaac likes to go to bed with his door open, so now little bro has to do the same.  But he has been staying in bed!!!

Just how much Trevor loves Toy Story … Toy Story 1 we barely watch anymore… but the other 2 are titled depending on their opening scenes… Toy Story 2= “Woody Ha buzz” & Toy Story 3 “Woody Ha Choo Choo.”  (Even his woody doll is called “woody ha”)

At Isaac’s recent well-child visit, the pediatrician told me his leg issue is probably growing pains…which are more prevalent depending on how active he was that day… NO WONDER.  He also told me Isaac drinks WAY TOO MUCH MILK… and we should replace some with water = more laundry in the mornings already… it was 9 days dry first… so we should cut back on H2O too.

Isaac has (just in the last few days) graduated from the multi-vitamin drops for toddlers to the Flintstone Vitamins… FINALLY we have been trying for a few years.  Trevor still uses the drops… neither kid likes the gummy version of vitamins... they are gritty, can’t even “hide” them within fruit snacks.  Fish Oil is going great in applesauce and yogurt!.. haven’t given peanut butter a try yet.  They get it at supper, so Joe and I can keep track of it better .

Oh Supper – still not a huge improvement.  In fact, in someways it is worse.  Joe is going to register for Table Manners 101 (I don’t know of a class, but if there is one… he NEEDS TO BE in attendance), so the boys can follow his lead… uff I can barely stand to eat at the same table anymore… Can’t a dad have some manners.. anything from the usual manly bodily noices, to visualizing the chewed food in your mouth, to not sitting down at the table when we are eating, and most importantly – saying and physically showing that you didn’t “like” the meal … your kids are watching AND following your lead.  The day I wrote about the agitating time, I decided to give myself a break and headed to the drive-thru.  WOW... if only I could do that every day... we would be broke and morbidly obese, but it would relieve some frustrations??!  No, we won’t do that, but it allowed me to completely avoid the begging, the snacking/drinking before the meal, the TV… we had it off the whole time until after supper!!!! (We have a great room, so our main living room is connected to the dining area =  no way to avoid the giant TV)  So, this Mom needs to figure out how to make that immediate transition into supper from when we walk in the door???... Hmmmmmmm  Ideas please?!

I will update you on apraxia/speech progress and issues in the next blog – have already been writing it.  Big changes with moving speech therapy session’s to the school environment next week.  Urghhhhh….not sleeping well because of it… makes me very nervous.

Pinterest is still amazing and addicting.  Really has me excited to get going on a remodel project!!?... and a few cute craft ideas that I just need to get going on!.. Easy, yet fun and creative… I will share as I do them!

Are you awaiting the update on the romance… I don’t really understand why you are waiting… there isn’t one!

So, in the end the blog has put ideas, issues, and the commotions right in front of my face.  I have received emails from numerous viewers with support, advice, and information that leads me to believe… I am not the only struggling mommy and wife out here! 

I found this saying today… wish I would have had it earlier… "Crying doesn’t mean you are weak…it means you were strong for too long.”  

Monday, October 24, 2011

"App"lying learning with the iPad...

Steve Jobs was a true genius… in many aspects, but the amount of wisdom from himself and his amazing team that built the iPad 2 is ingenious by itself!  The imaginations used to develop such a product and the numerous available applications are forever remembered for strengthening the minds of my kids.  (and my own!!)  For those of you who have their doubts about another “gaming system”… which I hate to admit was me—the iPad is so much more than that.  I honestly would not have thought to buy the “device.”… a lot of money… now I know it is worth every penny!

Let me just describe my favorite things…

To start off easy, with why moms would love it!!  I use it for:
·         Online banking…easily accessible = pay bills as I am going through the mail!
·         Betty Crocker app… find and save recipes for future use
·         Wilton’s app..the next great cake ideas!!
·         Cozi – online calendar... I can update from any computer with internet!!!, but the iPad’s cozi schedule is easy to keep track of! Really helps Daddy have a quick view of the week ahead
·         And of course my blog… where Joe reads it!

Of course, there are fun games to explore for adults too: angry birds, Sudoku, word search, etc… So mommy really enjoys it but I mostly enjoy watching how quickly BOTH of the boys pick up the information within the amazing apps! AND its bribery tactics that come with it!... All of a sudden:  Isaac is a better eater! And Trevor is a good bath taker! Joe and I enjoy the laptime/bonding time we have together when it is “itad”time (what Trevor calls it!)  We still read books, and play board games, but it is a different type of “learning” and the kids don’t even know it!!

Isaac’s favorites:

·         Little Explorers Firehouse Adventure—8 mini games that let you act like a fireman
·         Alphabet Tracing – Trace capital and lowercase letters and numbers with your finger… Also says an object that starts with that letter (Trevor “draws” on the tablet – AND repeats the word!!)
·         Super Why –(One of Mommy’s favs for Isaac) PBS Kids application “Helps your kids achieve the power to read.”  You are 1 of 4 super heroes and you practice the alphabet, rhyming, spelling, writing and reading – I know Isaac is good at this one… because you watch him and he purposely picks both wrong answers first just to see what the super hero will do... Amazing game!
·         Tic-Tac-Toe –Isaac really beats me at this—and it is fast and easy… He will win and say “yeah!”  And moves right on, same when he “losted”…So a good game for learning sportsmanship too!
·         Choo-Choo lite—is a free version (can buy more) where trains need help switching tracks to pick up passengers…Trevor loves to see them “cras” (Crash!)
·         Monkey Math School Sunshine – (second of Mommy’s favs for Isaac) A monkey teaches you the basics of math: counting, sorting, adding, and subtracting… at a fast, yet fun paced, entertaining game
·         Alphabet Find – Find capital and lowercase letters, numbers, colors and shapes (it talks to you=also good for Trevor!)
·         Interactive Alphabet – (we have lots of Alphabet ones, but this one is the favorite) You get to “play” with each letter… A is for Apple… then you can eat away at the apple by touching it… bites appear until you hit the core!

Trevor’s games: (He enjoys all of the above ones too.. and watching Isaac play, which I think is great for him= he is listening to more words, and learning patience/sharing.)
·         Toy Story 1 (the interactive book)—this one was free... may just purchase more… typical book that reads to him—you can control the page turning, or the computer does it for you... can interact with each page... It’s fun discovering what each one has.. also has some cute games attached to it!
·         Monkey Preschool Lunch Box (counterpart to Math School) Mommy would play this with Trevor ALL DAY! – again, the monkey brings you through games.. puzzles, matching, colors
·         Shape Puzzles—the animals one is free (can buy more – of course) jigsaw puzzles with a cute turtle that tells you the name of the animal when completed!
·         Let’s Count – Trevor just starting counting!!!!! Couldn’t be happier! – this is a cute app from Laugh and Learn (like the toys) that counts animals – nice pace for Trevor who currently skips 3, 4 and 7, but says 11…12…and 14 sometimes!  (WOW right??!)
The next few speech dedicated ones were a little more $$$, but worth it:
·         Speech Stickers – You pick a boy, girl, kitty, monster, or alien to pronounce a beginning or ending sound and place the sticker on the “page.”  Then, when you have placed 5 “stickers” (or you can set it for more—and the Parent controls when the kids has completed the sound to get another sticker) Trevor chooses how to get rid of them… =The train takes them away, boots squish them... Balloons raise them “way into the air,” etc!  He loves that part!
·         ArtikPix  --Uses flashcards and matching (and the computer pronounces the words clearly!!)  The parent chooses which “sounds” to work on and it picks words that begin, end, or contain in the middle sound – then you can flip through flashcards, or play matching while it repeats the words for you… Sometimes Trevor “taps” the same card too many times = the computer has to catch up to him… and repeats the word as many times as he tapped (good and bad) depending on Trevor’s mood!
·         Speech with Milo is pretty good too… We have “Verbs” and sometimes Trevor “shuts down” when we play Milo... because I think it is too challenging and he hides in my arm until I change the “game”… so a good challenge for the future??... For example Milo will say, “Fly”… “Milo is Flying”…Too many words to concentrate on.. but it is a good program for developing words and phrases!... would like to try a different version, but don’t know which one yet
·         Smart Oral Motor – is a cute duck that gets you to move your mouth and tongue to strengthen those muscles, you can select how many times to do each action—he is cute, but a little too slow moving...Trevor enjoys him!

Most of the applications were free or 99 cents.  I like to find the apps online (google search) and read about them first.. esp, if I am going to “pay” for them.  But there is a “genius” button on the iPad… once you use a few of the apps= it suggests more for you!

Finally, as promised – our favorite iPad apps... please share your favorites in the comments so we can expand our collection!!  We thoroughly enjoy the time the iPad allows us to share together!  And most importantly what Trevor has already achieved with it. If anything the confidence he has gained to “speak” verbally back at it!  It has already opened doors for him!  I HIGHLY recommend it and the ever growing library of applications to anyone who wants to strengthen their child’s scope of learning, especially for speech! Great family Christmas gift!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


At Isaac’s recent well-child visit the pediatrician discussed our family history as usual.  For some reason things weren’t up to date… love those hospital systems… so we reviewed it in detail again. 

The high cholesterol issue that is evident throughout our family was discussed more in-depth.  Both my parents have high cholesterol, sisters, myself, and Joe’s dad…so the pediatrician had recently (last few years) been educated on giving fish oil supplements to young children as a way to curb the genetic implications of his future. 

Odd, as recent blogs I have been reading – families are using fish oil as a boost for speech development in kids with apraxia, but I hadn’t been convinced yet.  So, if I had any doubts about how fish oil could help Trevor with improving speech abilities—why not use it as a double whammy, with him also. 

Since reading the apraxia family blogs I have been searching the internet for any “evidence.”  The fact that it is even mentioned on most of the “what is fish oil,” and “benefits of fish oil” websites that I have found…gives me good enough reason to give it a shot., explains, “There is ongoing research regarding "the speech diet", using fish oils as a supplement therapy.”
It is also a very good website for describing apraxia as a whole. “Apraxia Explained” is her web book….but the website is full of information as well.  (She is from ND!)

Here is one website that mentioned the following benefits:

  • Movement disorder in children (dyspraxia). Taking fish oil orally, in combination with evening primrose oil, thyme oil, and vitamin E (Efalex, Efamol Ltd), seems to improve movement disorders in children with dyspraxia.

  • And even – “Asthma. (Isaac) Some research suggests fish oil may lower the occurrence of asthma in infants and children when taken by women late in pregnancy. Furthermore, fish oil seems to improve airflow, reduce cough, and lower the need for medications in some children with asthma. However, fish oil treatment doesn’t seem to provide the same benefit for adults.”

They are both currently getting the supplements.  The pediatrician recommended how to dispense it to the kids after I had inquired: … Slice open the capsule (easier said than done) and mix it into peanut butter or applesauce.  So far 2 doses are in!... with the applesauce and the kids didn’t even notice!!!... I am wondering about yogurt too??... I don’t see why not? 

So with the current struggles and adaptations for Trevor, will I really be able to see if the fish oil is improving his speech or if it is just the gradual progress that we are currently seeing with speech therapy.  Either way, it is worth the shot!  And the possibility of avoiding the risks associated with high cholesterol in his future.  I see no reason to delay.

In my opinion, he has recently hit a “plateau.”  For a while, there were great strides of improvement (even to the point that I was relieved and excited), but the past couple of weeks have been tough to get him to “use his words” to describe what he wants, needs… especially when he is a frustrated 3 year old.  Is it part of being that THREE year old, probably, but just know and understand that it is difficult to deal with daily.  And I am officially convinced, after my recent research, that Trevor suffers from apraxia.

So as this process is just starting, I hope to report the great improvements for Trevor!  When it happens!??  I will be sure to share!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Supper time = Agitated time

Can we just skip this hour -or two- in the day and add a more appealing one later in it?  I truly want supper time to be a family time…forever!... It has the potential to be the only opportunity to be together as a family of 4 at any given our throughout our day.  So why must it be so agitating?   

I am not even excited to get off of work and rush home, just to start this process.  Don’t get me wrong I can’t wait to get home to my kids, but the WHOLE supper process is not one to look forward too.

My kids have bad habits… the majority of them come out in that half hour between pulling into the driveway and supper is cooking.

First, Isaac loves his milk … ALWAYS has.. Chocolate milk… in a sippy cup… YES THE KID IS 5… I do my absolute best to distract the conversation… so he can have his milk IN a glass at the dinner table WITH his supper and all 4 of us are eating and drinking together.  (Just what I am drinking may have to change soon, if this process continues ) ;)

Trevor begs for “ackrs” (crackers.. yes I broke down once so the kid got 2 small crackers prior to supper, just to keep my sanity for ----- ok so it only lasted 2 minutes, but???)  Now he thinks it is the routine of the day.  It is better than “ady” or “uit acks” (candy or fruit snacks)-isn’t it?  I already know the answer to that.

Do you realize how much energy it takes to hold your ground… I know you do if you are a mother!   So my energy is being transferred into commotion at suppertime.

With Sprinkle Cheese?
With Sauce?

Now, we can move onto to the horrible eaters in my house… figuring out what a healthy, new, exciting option that EVERYONE in the family will eat = painstakingly infuriating… well in our house that consists of spaghetti… Can I serve spaghetti --with "sprinkle cheese" 5 times a week?  (Wouldn’t that make life easier.)  It even gets a bit complicated then too-- do you want sauce today, do you want to put the spinkle cheese on it or mommy?  BUT honestly, I could serve a “favorite” say, chicken strips, for supper and one of the kids won’t eat that day…I just can’t win. 

I have come to the conclusion, that I am not going to try to win… but, I feel like I am going to starve my kids.  (I know they won’t, but then I am wondering where that “hold your ground” energy is going to come from, when later into the evening they are “hungry”.)  I just can’t keep supper on the table for 3 hours in order for my kids to actually eat it. 

Finally, (Maybe one of the biggest issues –due to his age)  MY HUSBAND – granted, I know he gets off at – meanders in from work at 620pm…. After getting the boys all riled up (even just by entering the house--- which in the end is a good thing = they sure love their daddy), should easily be able to see any of the following:  the table isn’t set yet- set it, we have started eating because the food is ready-could you join us, I would like some assistance with -whatever- -- OFFER---  BUT instead he meanders (which is the perfect word, because it surely isn’t a time managing hustle)  UPSTAIRS.. changes out of his work clothes and PACKS his gym bag for the next morning… IF these were a one time occurrence = no big deal.  

I have brought up the issue, well, probably everyday.  He goes on to tell me that I need to settle down, and has stated that he needs time to get home and change and relax… not just jump into things -- like supper?  That was made for you?… REALLY... do I get that opportunity?...

Last night, I was baking 3 sets of cakes, making supper, setting the table, cleaning up the house, helping Isaac on the iPad, avoiding “feeding” the kids until it was supper that could be fed, putting away the 4 bags I had gotten from the store on MY lunch break AND preparing for the next day… all still in my scrubs from work.  Joe walks in just as I was ready to serve supper 15 minutes later he was finally “ready” sit down and eat with the rest of us – clothes changed, bag packed, and a phone conversation –cut short—because “ I better go, my wife is calling for me.”

Do you see the same annoying pattern that agitates my day from 530-7pm?  I wonder where the first improvements could come from?  Maybe, I need to stop multi-tasking so much… possibly.  But if I only “made” supper when I came home from work, I wouldn’t be able to get to bed until .  = not happening.  (on a side note—Joe is equally agitated on the 3 days a week/month he happens to be home at on a weekday, yet still wonders why I am so called “crabby” when he gets home.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ho Ho Ho...In the mood for Snow (Oops.. NO Christmas shopping I mean!)

Ok ok… I know I am sorry… Thanks for checking in often, I LOVE seeing that!!!...some of you should become followers though!!! Ha ha!… I have been busy!!  Extremely actually, mostly work stuff, but also completing the boys’ bedrooms, organizing the house, decorating for Halloween-Isaac doesn’t think it is “haunted” enough though, and it isn’t, most of the decorations are made by him and his brother… so not too scary-  BUT speaking of holidays:

I am SOOOOOO ready to start Christmas shopping, planning, etc… not so much decorating, as I don’t want the white piles appearing in the streets yet.  BUT let’s get this show on the road, should we!

I know there are some of you thinking… already oh my goodness, and others are probably like… “Yeah I am done—ha ha”… There are some good deals right now and summer things you can’t find during the black Friday specials and … and… and… do I really need any other excuses?….   -----SOoooo WANT TO GET SHOPPING. 

Probably because I haven’t had enjoyable shopping for a while-- You know the non-grocery store, and non-toiletry items… no one likes to shop for that, not even me.  Maybe my sudden shopping urge is due to the fact that my kids’ birthdays are done…well almost... ok so they are underway and I had those gifts for months now. 

Maybe, bad timing to start now though… hunting season is just around the corner.  Which means no time for myself -- all about just being mom and letting daddy do his thing.  Oh you better believe that I am getting some of that shopping time by myself too—sooner or later!! 

I really want to do the Black Friday adventure this year WITH friends would be great… hint hint Joe… can you take that day off and.. hint hint… FRIENDS!!!... Who is coming with me!... A trip to the outlet mall would be SOOOO fun too!... Let’s go!  Who is coming with???

(It feels so good to be excited about something again – just haven’t felt that in a while= too much going on and to do, so maybe the winter will be a good thing for me and my family!)

I just might be EXTRA crafty this year!!  Just yesterday a friend of mine pointed me in a direction that I am forever grateful!!!.. Have you heard of it… Pinterest!!!.. Oh, if I am not already—I am going to be the most organized EVER now!... SO I am organizing birthday party ideas, kitchen redesign.. I even have pictures for my dream home on my boards!!  YOU HAVE TO GET ONE AND CHECK IT OUT!!!!.. I am using some of the crafty ideas for gifts!  I CANNOT WAIT for Christmas and I haven’t even decided on the list. 

Send me your wish lists and I will see if I can get that crafty!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Game time...

Isaac loves to play “board games.”  I first introduced them to him around 2 years old.  I had noticed at that time his attention span was diminishing.  I REALLY, truly believe that board games and structures including turn taking, winning vs. losing, and just the “fun” play have lead Isaac to more self control.  So I was thrilled with the new board game options he received for his birthday.  The new games are Guess Who? and Connect Four… both are challenging for a 5 and 3 year old, but that is also a plus side.. it “requires” us to play as a family.  The boys had both games figured out in no time!  Isaac’s (and mine) other favorite games are:

Zingo -- bingo with tiled pictures and words under them that are deposited easily by children 2 at a time (turn taking!!!)… to win you must have a black out of nine squares… we all love it… Trevor’s job until recently (he actually “plays” now) had been to keep the collection of tiles we didn’t use… He was proud of that job and still likes it, but does play “my card” with me now – so essentially it is his card!!!

Memory – we have Mickey Mouse… we still don’t use all the cards, but we are getting there… started with just 6 pairs!!

Yahtzee for kids –We have Toy Story and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  The rules are very different but they love to roll the dice, Isaac doesn’t like the “flaw” in the game (my opinion) = only 1 player can get say 4 Buzz dice throughout the game and if the next player get 4 Buzz dice then you have to have the 3 spot… He doesn’t like that!

Sequence for Kids – We love this game… again like connect 4 and Tic Tac Toe (iPad)  you need to block people and be paying attention!  It also has a “Trevor the Tiger” card and Trevor ALWAYS acts like a Tiger!  So cute to see that!

Dominoes – We have John Deere… Probably why they like it sooo much but I was SOOOO impressed how quickly Isaac learned the game… esp. the “double” picture cards and how to place them!!! Wow… he is a quick learner.

Cooties – aka in our house “the Caterpillar game”  Just a fun one.. I try to avoid it… !!! lol

The four of us gathered on the floor last night to challenge ourselves with the new games… Even Trevor impressed me and stayed attentive the entire time.  So, I can foresee us sharing many “game nights” with winter blowing in.  I know I said it didn’t I?... I hope we make time often to continue this family time!

Isaac often reminds me, "Don't help Trevor... Urgghhh..." But he knows and understands "fair" play already and is pretty good about letting me "help" Trevor "block" him or "win".  Hey, I really beat Isaac in Tic Tac Toe sometimes and he really beats me too... that is an important part of the playing, in my opinion... I wouldn't play at all if I wasn't teaching him good sportsmanship!!!  He is getting there! 

I am happy that my kids can have so many options at a young age.  Along with playing outside – playgrounds, baseball, and flying kites (they are our favorite activities), we have the board games and then the beloved iPad.  !! I aim to write about our favorite iPad applications soon!  There are some wonderful ones and yes we still play them together!  Maybe not all the time, but I would rather Isaac and Trevor, both “play” iPad than be glued to the TV… like, while I am making supper.  If only it wasn’t a cause for “fights” between brothers… which has GREATLY improved… Sharing in our house has miraculously improved within the last few weeks too!!!!!  Who did that?  (Now I jinxed myself for tonight.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It is an ISAAC day today!...

(It is also my dad’s birthday!  Happy Birthday Dad, thanks for all you do as a dad, grandpa, and friend!  I love you SOOOOO much) 

I posted Isaac’s birthday cake on Betty Crocker’s facebook page on Monday… I LOVE that page… to share ideas – not only cake designs, but recipes of all sorts! And they posted his picture as “Fan of the Week.”  He is going to be thrilled to see it tonight!  So exciting!  There are already 1246 likes, 163 comments, and 112 people have shared the link… ALREADY.. it is only mid-afternoon.  Most of the comments are wonderful… “Be proud of yourself mom!”  “What a special memory for your little boy!”, “Are you a professional?” someone even called me the “cake boss!!!”… ha NO!!!  It has completely made my day.  –BUT just as a small side note.. there are just a few annoying comments throughout it = you “spelt” (aka…spelled) “Happy” wrong…umm no I didn’t but hey thanks for leaving a comment and for the spelling error within your comment… “I never saw this picture posted on here.”… Guess what lady --it is still there… so scroll down and look at it…, that same lady has recently posted again,  How do you pick the "fan favorite"? I see a lot of pics with a lot more likes than this one received. Some with 20 and more "likes" and this one got 10. Amazing that one that received so few "likes" is the fan favorite”.  = GOOD GRIEF, and some other snide remarks throughout—honestly though, it hasn’t affected the grin that is glued on my face.  BUT, why do people have to do that?  Jealousy?  Bad day?   Throughout their (Betty Crocker’s) facebook page there are random, annoying comments that make absolutely little to no sense…just keep those minute things to yourself and don’t ruin anybody else’s glory!.. Do you really think you will receive the “honor” of Fan of the Week, when you are that RUDE?

Just goes to show that there are people out there in -ANY age group- that can’t let anyone be better than them.  Or they have to find some way to ruin it for the honored person…. Hey, I AM over it.. I am just pointing out the disrespect of others and I hope I don’t act that way AND that I can teach my kids to have more respect than that.  After all… there were OVER 1000 others that enjoyed it! And Betty Crocker themselves…!

Isaac ALSO woke up dry and completed his chart with the 28th sticker (Hip hip hooray!!!!)… so, we are heading to the grocery store… yes the grocery store… tonight! That is where he picked out a die cast car that he wanted when his chart was full. (He studies the whole rack EVERY time we go there – like a good little boy---VERY carefully!  HE LOVES THEM! In fact he begs to go to the grocery store with me so he can:  #1 get the free cookie and #2 look at the cars at the end—he even asks if I am ready to check out, so he can see them.)  I know bad timing… like we need another new toy in the house, just after his birthday weekend, but HEY… he has earned it!... 1 more fresh new chart on his closet door tonight and maybe we can wrap up this stage!!!! In 28 days?

I desperately needed this turn of events after this morning.  Trevor is just not easy to drop off at daycare anymore and he refuses to wear a Halloween shirt… good grief kiddo you are born on the fun holiday…mommy just wants to celebrate it throughout October!... So I wonder if he has stopped his fit yet, it’s been over 5 hours?  Yikes…Just more morning challenges for a mother of 2!

Anyways, I am thrilled by the response of “fan of the week” – even my friends and family that have commented… OF COURSE I reposted it immediately and emailed it to friends and family members!  Proud of it! And of him!!!!!  Don’t grow up too fast Isaac!... (just wake up dry!!! lol) oh and YOU CAN CALL ME BETTY!  ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My husband works (commission based) … and leaves the house to go to the gym by every weekday (which my kids finally sleep through him leaving --most days).  I am thus responsible for getting the kids up, dressed and off to daycare in the morning, AND then-- picked up, organized at home, and supper started.  We won’t even go into the supper bit—it is not good enough no matter what anyway.  I fully understand that this has become the routine of the day and even though this constant daily life can get the best of me some days, it can go even beyond exasperating when there are adaptations made in the schedule that we as parents need to be accommodating to.  But then --in our house anyway, why is it the mother is always seen as the one who must be more accommodating then the father?  She is the one that will step up in the beginning and carry it through to the end – is that just a given?  Well, I am sick of ALL that responsibility. As a dad, do you feel you can just go about your daily routine and not budge from it whatsoever? 

We had these similar discussions the last time Trevor’s speech schedule had switched.  At which time, I was VERY impressed (why should I have been?)  that Joe in the end volunteered to take one of Trevor’s speech sessions a week.  That gracious act has turned into more of a time consuming annoyance than a time saving help.  He has taken Trevor to 5 sessions– 4 of which he has been late, making me run late in the mornings, and a 6th that didn’t happen because he forgot and would have been too late getting there (plus it STILL takes Trevor 10 minutes of the 1/2 hour session to "warm up" and participate, so he is cutting into the effective therapy time when that occurs).  Again, the appreciation for taking him in the first place has diminished -- Trevor has attended speech therapy sessions for roughly 1 ½ years.  Some of which Joe’s parents assisted with transporting Trevor to, for which I am grateful.  The rest was all mommy. The last schedule change was the first time Joe had participated and had noticed, I thought, the displeasure of the routine, yet importance of including this in our schedule.

Which brings me to the reasons I am so frustrated… Yesterday, I set up Trevor’s new speech schedule. (When he turns 3 in 2 weeks—he is in the “school system” so we will be attending speech therapy sessions at a school instead of the rehab and thus can’t keep our current time slots, due to the new location -of course.)  The “convenient” times for us -of course- are filled.  So, I imagined that we, together as parents, could have each taken responsibility for one.  Well, the times don’t work into Joe’s work schedule… oh so, I am quite sure that they work really well into mine? 

Also, I signed Isaac up for “Gearing up for Kindergarten”.  It is a class for 16 Tuesday nights that introduce both, parents and 2012 kindergartners, into the new world of school.  A parent needs to be at each session.  They offer FREE daycare for siblings… I can tell you right now that there is NO WAY Trevor is going with… It would take half the class just to get him to be ok with the extra “play time” in a new location… and no not just for the first few times, but EVERYTIME.. That is just how Trevor is, and Joe knows that… Of course—it starts right at ight when Joe gets off work.  (His work is more flexible than, he leads me to believe, but due to being commission based, I have adapted as best as I can to allow him to stay at his job for the entire day.)  So, I wanted to discuss his thoughts on what to do with Trevor for that 20 minute overlap when  --- I would bring Isaac to the class –(I didn’t even ask him to do that).  Unwilling to budge, or share ideas once again, I gave up and we have yet to close this discussion, or figure out what we need to do.  I am sure it is assumed that DEB will just take care of it and figure it for everyone and Joe won’t have to “worry” (like he ever does). 

Just to add to the frustration and verbal commotions of the night:

When Joe came home for the day… Trevor was fussing in timeout.  He had -- just moments prior, “shot” Isaac with a nerf gun.  (Isaac just received it as a present for his birthday. – I am fine with the guns but we don’t shoot people even in pretend play, we have “targets” ok’d in the house and both kids are fully aware of it already.)   Joe insisted that I explain why Trevor is “so upset.” = because he is sitting in timeout.  He hates it there... which is precisely why we put kids there… to teach them, to discipline them.  Why must I explain that to Joe, when I am the one following through with the disciplinary action?  Do you really think I put him there just so I could hear him whine? 

Also, We completed Isaac’s mini-remodel of his room last night.  He now has a full size bed (crib turned into one) and Trevor has the twin bed (my boys are getting big on me).  We were making the full-size bed together last night for the first time and both agreed that it will be more of a challenge to change his bedding if Isaac wets it at night.  So, within the next few minutes Joe is downstairs making himself a “juice” drink and is proceeding to share with Isaac – it is 710 pm – really… Now you can do the bedding in the morning – of course…mommy saved the day again and set her alarm for 1230 am so he would be dry in the morning, which he was—something that would otherwise go unnoticed, as mommy has taken care of it yet again. 

Must I always run the schedule, organize the day, be the disciplinary, and take on the load by myself.  We are married... that means there are 2 of us to run the household… Just curious when and what the other half wants to do to participate in that? 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Train Party Success...


I ALWAYS start the party planning process with the cake!!!-- OF COURSE!  So the reality of a train cake pulled through this weekend.  It was a cake (and a party) that I had planned in my mind for about 2 months.  So I am very excited to say --it pleased the birthday boy and his party guests!  And the cake creator!  It ONLY took about 4 ½ hours… uff… ONLY??  (=not including the baking).  But it was worth every minute when I discovered where my child was in the a.m. of his party = Sitting quietly in the “off limits” room observing HIS cake for about 45 minutes… I trusted that Isaac wouldn’t ruin it… Trevor’s fingerprint was already evidence of why it was placed into the off limits area to begin with!

Actually, when Isaac got home from daycare on Friday and the cake creation was almost complete he asked where the “toy trains” were… I had previously made a cake with a track that had toy Thomas the Tank Engine trains on top of it… I didn't want a "Thomas" birthday party -- I figured he was "too old" for that.  I was somewhat sad that he wanted “toys” on top, over the train I had created out of fondant the night before for him, but it only took him about 5 minutes and he came back and sweetly told me it was “Perfect”!!! So nice! (Marshmallow Fondant recipe from!!! = so much better than the “other” stuff!)

Other than the cake!...

Whenever we are deciding to go out to eat Isaac ALWAYS begs, “Where the train goes round!”  So, it was a pretty easy decision to have the 5 year old’s birthday party at Happy Joe’s Pizza Parlor.  It has an electric train that rides the rails built on shelves-- near the ceiling of the restaurant. 

The invitation was a collage of his pictures taken by train exhibits at Storybookland at Wylie Park in Aberdeen, SD that I made on and stated, “Clickety, Clack” you are invited… etc. 

We put favors together with: Train Whistles, Railroad Crossing Gum (both from Oriental Trading Company), tokens for “games” at Happy Joe’s, and of course some candy!  Luckily the train whistles weren’t used as much as I had imagined!!  Saved all of our ears!!!  But I hope they enjoy them at home!

Well, onto devouring leftover cake. --for a while! and writing thank yous! –Just a hint from me!..when I address the invitations, I also address the thank you’s!  That saves SOOOOO much time!  ;)  Isaac is still practicing writing his name! So the thank you’s are “personalized” with his signature (some have "extra letters"...cuz he is a perfectionist, like his mom??!... and rewrites a random letter somewhere else, if he didn't like the first one--cutie!).  Thank you's are a very important feature to teach your child gratitude! 

I have another cake to think about now.. 22 days after the last birthday!.. Can’t believe my kids are getting older – when I am clearing not aging at all!!! lol