Saturday, December 31, 2011

More fun with crafts and gift giving...

Handprint/snowmen ornanments

This time around are the crafts the kids produced for gifts...with assistance from me.. and of course some from pinterest!... On pinterest I found ornaments similiar to these, but adapted them a bit.  The intial project used blue ornaments, but I found clear plastic ornaments and snowflake confetti at my local arts and crafts store. 

Trevor is very into "I cut" right now... He loves to use a scissors... he actually uses them better than he holds a crayon or pencil.  We need to work on correcting that, but I am not sure where to start?!  We are just happy that he enjoys projects so much, just like his brother.  We made the blue snow affects by filling the ornanment with 4 different colors of blue (cardstock from the scrapbook supply!)  ...then they cut and they cut and they cut somemore... we actually had to use 2 nights for this portion of the project -- just for filling the ornanments... it is alot more area to fill than you would think!  I curled some longer blue strips around a pencil just for some more interest.  We used small drinking cups to stabilize the ornaments!!.. It worked great!  Then we applied white paint (we used cabinet paint, that I had on hand) to some little hands and made the snowman scene/handprint.  I let them dry over night and added the details with acrylic paints later the next day.  Of course I needed the year and the name matched up to the hand print for future reference. 
Isaac begs to do "projects."  So, not surprisingly -- while we were shopping for the ornament supplies we passed by the unfinished bird houses.  Isaac was VERY persistant on getting them to paint for Grandma and Grandpa.  So I gave in... yet another project to do in the busiest time of year...But I couldn't have been happier that I did -- give in --.... The boys painted for almost 2 I was taking pictures during the process I could see the glow in their eyes that showed their pride.  (They are not the prettiest bird houses I have seen, but they are created with pride.)  When we got home with our bag full of projects...the boys couldn't wait to get much so that some fits were had, as it was bed time and time didn't allow for the start of their adventures. 
Isaac concentrates with his tongue sticking!
So while the kids were getting ready for bed and sleeping, I painted the basecoat on the houses...Thank goodness I did, cuz their was ALOT of little parts that needed to get covered. They had all night to dry.  BUT as soon as the boys had eaten...a very well eaten...breakfast. (They had a project to do!)  They started right in... I got alot done in the kitchen that morning as well... I just helped when a new color was requested and rinsed out their brushes.... So a project that at first, I felt wasn't really needed...ended up being a very appealing idea for a couple of little boys and the gift recepients. 

One of the HAPPY recipients!! -- Grandpa!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Burger time!

In case you didn't hear me the first time... PLAN YOUR PARTY'S AROUND YOUR CAKES!!  Do I sound bossy?...It really is the easiest way to do it!...I promise!  Come up with an idea... figure out your cake and go from there!!!!!

Here is a perfectly....cute...example why!  My God-Daughter was so excited with her birthday approaching!  She expressed something that she had figured out!... She is in the middle of a stack of 3 birth-dates in a row within our extended family.  So she called herself the "hamburger" and the other 2 were the BUNS! 

Her Mom asked if I could make a hamburger cake -- the rest of the party fell into place after that!!! (At least that is how I see it!!! ha ha)  She prepared a special "surprise themed" birthday party around that adorable little girl's thinking!  So I got to create an amazing and amazingly simple cake perfect for the occasion! 

She was so thrilled once she realized what the theme of her party was!  She was gleaming!  (She is a shy, quiet girl ---but her smile said it all!)  So, I was happy that my creation could help with that feeling!  -- Even when I am not there to see it -- It is the reason why I make them...It pays off in the end!

They served sliders and had those little hamburger gummies too! (I think they are Sponge Bob??)

The 2 BUNS are father and daughter!  FUN huh?! 

I baked 2 white cakes for the buns...the "hamburger" is a brownie mix...cheese is fondant (everyone thought it was cheese --made me grin...must have been a good color --!...that would have tasted horrible on cake...yuck!)  and everything else was piped buttercream frosting... (lettuce was made with a leaf tip!)  The hardest part was figuring out how to serve it!  It was a tall and heavy cake!  But worked out perfectly!

What a perfect party!  I had so much fun...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Crafty gift giving...

We had an early Christmas (my side of the family) this past weekend allowing more time to enjoy our family, and not rush through sharing gifts.  So I can start to share something we created for gifts!
For-going the “gift card” option for Christmas?… yes please.  I am not saying they are unwanted gifts.  In fact I like to get them.  But I just can’t wrap myself around giving them.  I do like to give a restaurant gift card for special occasions, like anniversaries and such (thank yous!!), but I love to be much more personable than what they can offer me for Christmas. 
I guess you could call me the “crafty” type.  But, you … yes YOU could do any of the small projects I made for Christmas gifts this year.  (My kids helped with some that I will share later on… so I know you can do it too!)  Especially helpful -- just for brain storming if not anything else -- is that lovely pinterest website.   It is where I found and adapted my scrabble art ideas.
I was looking for a used scrabble set…miss matched/unused items... whatever was available, but I was unable to locate one.  People had a hard time giving up their old games… they were more than willing to borrow it to me, but I don’t think they would have appreciated what little I had to give back! I don’t play scrabble, so it wouldn’t have bothered me. – I only play games I can win!  Ha.. well it is true I guess!  (I didn’t look too hard, but was able to find a new one for under $10!!)  I made all three of these with one set! And not too many extra pieces.  (I did “make” a few of my own letters – can you tell?  I just reversed the tile and drew on the back with a fine tip sharpie – there are only 2 “M”s in the whole set… did you know that?)  Remember, I don’t play!
The best advice I would give for this project is to find the “frames” first!!... Then you can mess around with the layout of the letters.  I was very lucky to find the “cherry” frames!  They worked perfectly with the double mat spacing to allow for space of the tile.  You can use a shadow box of any kind too.. which is what the other frame is.  It allowed a fun space for the “tile holder” to slip in and add more of the game feel to it!... I put a piece of scrapbook paper on the back of the “together” one and for mine.. obviously.. I used the game board…The shadow box allowed for a nice background already, which is a plus.  So much fun to make and give.  (Isaac helped me find letters… for most of it -- until he got bored!)  I think they enjoyed them too!...
Placed my new art above the
chaotic entry way/drop zone in our house!
When my sister (with a 4 year old daughter) opened hers she stated, “Hmmmm? Quiet?”.. ha.. I told her maybe she was looking for quiet around the house!... and I had to use a “Q” it is worth more points… lol!
So, I urge you to be creative – one of the biggest challenges for gift giving... I understand! (and then make one for yourself too -- you are going to wish you did!)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some good news arrived in the mail yesterday…although somewhat inappropriate to mail such important news in my mind.  I suppose if the results would have been opposite we would have received a call??? 

Anyways the psychologist shared Trevor’s evaluation and results of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale with us.  

CARS is a diagnostic assessment method that rates children on a scale from one to four for various criteria, ranging from normal to severe, and yields a composite score ranging from non-autistic to mildly autistic, moderately autistic, or severely autistic. The scale is used to observe and subjectively rate fifteen items.  Total CARS scores range from a fifteen to 60, with a minimum score of thirty serving as the cutoff for a diagnosis of autism on the mild end of the autism spectrum.  (Thanks again Wiki!)

Trevor’s CARS score was 20.5, which is in the “non-autisic” range.  !!

In the Vineland Scale he was scored as Low in 2 areas…Communication and Motor Skills, of which we were aware. 

So in summary – with some relief—we are back to dealing with Apraxia and are on the right course for him! 
He is still making great strides with his speech!  According to his speech language pathologist, he has major speech delays, but she can see great progress already! 

His Grandma visited briefly with us the other day and could tell the major improvements just since Thanksgiving!  Such a relief to hear that others, not with him everyday, can understand my child! 

He is still his very determined little self.  Good and bad moods come with that.  I think he is starting to trust in others more too -- including parents, friends, and strangers…we shall see what the busy and full holiday season brings.  But look out if he wants his way…I am quite sure he still feels that we don’t always understand what he wants, yet we do --but the answer isn’t what he is looking for. 

Let’s keep up the progress…determined little boy!  Love you with all my heart!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Traditions are often brought up during the holidays, but they are around us 365 or 366 times a year.  Some of my friends are starting a tradition of the “elf on the shelf.”  (A little elf sent from santa to assist him in making his naughty and nice list.  Kind of a secret spy for Santa.  The elf surprises his/her family in the morning usually acting goofy/naughty.)  I think he is a wonderful idea!  Makes for some good family time.  --Maybe someday, but the way mornings go in our house currently, there is no time for a sneaky little elf.

As I had mentioned we are trying to make the tradition of the train around the Christmas Tree…well the mutilated train isn’t feeling like a working tradition right now… Poor thing is abused by its loving and devoted boys.  I guess we will be getting a new “Choo Choo” next year.  We have minor traditions about the tree being up before Dec 3rd  (Ok so it is just my tradition – birthday)…yet still a tradition, no matter how small.  Around the holidays, being together as a family…what day, and where… all fall under the traditional category in my book. 

There are numerous comments on facebook and within the community regarding too much Santa and that the true meaning of Christmas is disappearing, but I believe that Santa is a true meaning of Christmas.  He is a tradition…a family tradition.  The issue to me -- is how the “Santa” can be handled.  The children (and many adults for that matter) need to know the WHOLE story around Christmas and why it exists.  There is nothing wrong with a saint (St. Nick) that was/is generous enough to give to children.  Gift GIVING is a wonderful tradition too.  Its all in the traditions of Christmas, and how your family explains/deals with them is your tradition also.  I don't think it is too commericialized.  In fact I am glad there is so much commotion regarding the holiday.  Christmas represents giving it is what Jesus and God have done for us -- all they do is give. 

Holiday traditions can become more challenging as loved ones leave us to be with Jesus, or families grow bigger, move away, etc...  Holding onto traditions are an important part of who we are and who we become.   They are hard to let go of and make adaptions too, as it is what holds a family together.  It is about making memories. 

A tradition is a ritual, belief or object passed down within a society, still maintained in the present, with origins in the past.  {Wiki ;) }

Other traditions may be not even be thought of as such.  I had a conversation recently that had me thinking about a family tradition my parents have instilled in us (their daughters).  As the definition states: it has origins from the past…so I am quite certain this said “tradition” has been developed from their origins and hopefully it is a tradition that can continue well into my offspring as well.  The tradition I am referring too?  Being the best you can be, going above and beyond, and accomplishing much with little to no reward or expectation in the end… As McElroys we don’t give up, we don’t compromise ourselves when the world turns a direction we weren’t expecting…heck as Bremers (My Mother’s side) we don’t either.  We have our bad days, down sides…but we are VERY persistent in our tradition.  It isn’t in our character to give up or let someone else down. 

The biggest challenge may be in meeting the expectations of this tradition.  It isn’t like there is a said limit in this McElroy/Bremer expedition…never has been…never will be, just simply being proud of yourself, and making others proud too.  It is quite a challenge.  Maybe we put too much of this pressure on ourselves.  But it isn’t a tradition that I am about to let go.  My kids aren’t even into a school system yet, but I fear the challenges set forth on them even now, just knowing that the traditions of our family will continue and continue to be a challenge as we are facing them and disappointments throughout our lives.   

Please continue to hold dear the traditions established in your lives.  It offers us motivation as well as memories.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Disappoint...

Have you noticed that it is easier to recover when you disappoint someone else than it is recovering from disappointing yourself? 

Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that a person feeling regret focuses primarily on the personal choices that contributed to a poor outcome, while a person feeling disappointment focuses on the outcome itself.  (Of course from Wiki) 

What can happen or be achieved towards taking the next steps through life if we are holding on so tight to the disappointment we have not yet recovered from?  Will something be missed, skipped right over as your emotional attachments are breaking there bonds. 

Things happen for a reason and they are out of our control....If only I can start believing that.

Monday, December 12, 2011

HE helped ME out...

Do you ever feel like things you do to keep your family going go unnoticed (all the time)?

If only those husbands could and would understand it.  Friday night was a dousy.  Joe needed all this praise for “helping me out” around the house that day.  We were both off Friday afternoon…with my job changes (same job, just a different company) I will soon be working those Friday afternoons again.  So I guess “I” will need more of that help around the house. 

When though, did it become – ONLY MY JOB – to do the laundry and make supper and clean up/pick up the house…even get the kids picked up from daycare?  Grocery shopping and putting them away?  These were all examples that Joe listed (and did THAT day) that needed some sort of “credit” for his generosity ???  Where is my reward for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday….. oh yeah it doesn’t end, does it?  And just some down right recognition for going above and beyond for “participating” in the everyday “chores” EVERY week?  What about the person who is obviously seen as being the soul provider of achieving those tasks – ALWAYS? 

I am NOT saying Joe doesn’t do things around the house – even mostly outside.  BUT – there is no need for him to be overly praised and thanked, if I can’t get that same amount of daily honor for my accomplishments?  Maybe even the accomplishment for just surviving another day of motherhood?!  When I am outside (and I realize it is seldom) cleaning up the yard…helping to shovel (thank goodness for no snow yet!!) and just keeping things together outdoors… I don’t ask for this recognition of “helping” Joe out.  It is my yard too.  I realize we each have items that we take care of more often, it is more practical that way, but it is still both of our duties in having a house, taking care of it, feeding ourselves and others, and fathering/mothering …period…

Another minimal, but important example of spouses overlooking what we just seem to achieve with ease:  I was working on addressing the Christmas cards and Joe stated rudely… I thought you did those last week?  Really?  What I did last week was:  fold, seal, and place stamps and return address labels on the envelopes.  All that I needed to “finish up” was addressing them.  Just goes to show that he doesn’t even know what goes into a “simple” task that just “gets taken care of”, does he?  But I am sure I was taking too much time away from something else he figured I needed to “get done” that night. 

If I have learned anything over this Friday “discussion” about him “helping ME out,” is that everyone should be appreciated for the “little” things they do.  Even when they accomplish an everyday task…. Just more cause for everyday commotions throughout this household.  Giving gratitude is important… but it goes both ways.  (AND don’t leave out the kids…they are the ones that REALLY need the gratitude!)  Everyone participates around a house – it is the only feasible way a household could run. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh the Things a 5 year old says…

Uffda!!! Ha ha.. To be a 5 year old again!  I guess I wouldn’t go so far as to say his phrases are due to his “innocence,” but they do make me laugh.
A story I heard about him – on Thanksgiving his Uncle was asking Isaac and his cousin what they wanted for Christmas – His younger, female cousin responded… “A Pony”  (typical 4 year old girl response right??!)… Isaac questioned her with, “Why wouldn’t you want a Unicorn?!”… Not sure what Isaac’s response was, but he has told us that he is asking Santa for a remote controlled monster truck that has “things” that come out the side to shoot real bullets” – Oh great!  Yeah that is just the toy that he needs. 
This morning Isaac was waking up still sitting in bed.  I thought he was sick the way he was caressing his throat… “Mommy, my neck is sooooooooo dry….it needs Chocolate Milk.”  Ha.. I am sure it does!  I have heard before that his tummy is “soooooooo dry”.  Isaac was convinced he wasn’t going to get any milk…oh, chocolate milk-- the way his voice was “begging” for some.  When I told him he needed to get dressed first and then he could have some, he seemed so shocked… I told him it was morning and time to wake up any way and he said, “No wonder my body was up!”
A few days ago he was watching TV and a commercial came on (maybe ProActive?? – I didn’t see it).  He said “Mom – people use that stuff to get rid of dry and polka dotted skin!”
For supper last night – we attempted fish sticks again, used to be Trevor’s favorite meal… He ate the banana again and that was all… anyways Isaac wasn’t going to eat them he “only likes Daycare’s fish sticks.”  (wonder where he has heard a phrase like that before – Daddy?)  BUT – I did get Isaac to eat them and he even said “Yum” – once!  (My secret? – I was baking cakes and he could lick the spoon when I was done, if he finished his sticks!!!  Lol!)   and he did!
Both boys are very excited about having the outside of the house decorated for Christmas!  We count the “lit up houses” on the way home from daycare!... Trevor starts counting… “One…Two…Mommy see Mommy??”  pointing away at the lights...before I even know we are playing the game again!  Our house is # 26, or 17, or 34…we aren’t very consistent counters, huh?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mommy's "Little" and BIG Helpers...

Someone (from the North Pole?) must have warned my kids... THANKS!!

Now I have 2 boys that have become Mommy's little helpers.  We have accomplished a few projects together!  Today Joe started and the rest of us assisted the decorating of the outside of the house for the Christmas season.  It looks pretty nice!  We have some HUGE Christmas balls hanging from the blue lighted house and trimming the HUGE evergreen tree... Ok so only around the bottom of the tree.  We are all scared of heights.. Need to hire someone I suppose.  Oh if only, money grew on that same tree!  So we don't decorate very high!...But it still looks festive.

Isaac was our DJ as we started our Christmas cookies.  Trevor (just after bath!) and Isaac both sang us the SWEET melodies of We Will Rock You, and Sweet Serendipity!!  As well as a little jiggle of a dance now and then too!  It truly is sweet to hear Trevor nail those lyrics better than I can, and to watch both have so much fun dancing.. just don't let them catch you smiling while enjoying their entertainment... I guess they get embarrassed??!! Oh so cute. 
Isaac inserting the Kisses
For the "Reindeer Noses!"
 So as we finished half of our Christmas baking rockin' along!... the boys were great helpers and throughly enjoyed themselves (Maybe MOMMY the most!!).  They were especially good at Reindeer Noses --  Round pretzel with a hershey kiss melted inside and a M&M or other candy coated chocolate on top!!!... The boys were able to do 90% off them on their own...They were very excited! 

Then thanks to pinterest we have a new favorite... HOMEMADE Butterfingers!... A bit more time consuming, but SOOOOO worth every second!.. YUMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.... My mouth is watering... Good thing they are in the freezer, or they may be gone. 

I am not sure what else we will make -- the Caramels a co-worker has been spoiling us with = absolutely amazing -- but I am not sure I could get them to turn out...I think I will try, but if anyone breaks a tooth (because I know they will be too hard) over Christmas -- I am not getting them "All they want for Christmas" (is my 2 front teeth!!!!)  because I am officially done wrapping and buying gifts this year!!!!!  I think that is the earliest EVER.  I guess the MN shopping expedition really paid off!

Even Daddy Helped!!
We have been doing lots of other "projects" too, but can't share them yet... DO NOT OPEN until Christmas OR baby niece's arrival!

Now to get the house and myself together... going out for supper tonight!  Happy Birthday to ME!... I am 29 = STILL!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

and a Lump of COAL for naughty boys...

What a crazy night last night was.  I still have a headache.  Every little thing that is our everyday life was an issue last night. 

It started with me trying to “help” Trevor take off his winter gear when we arrived at home.  He wanted to do it…. MOMMY….. I didn’t know what was for supper….so I thought I would quickly start noodles cooking on the stove and see from there… Well of course it turned into Mac – n – Cheese… (Homemade version, but we didn’t have any beans –an issue of it’s self… Yes beans on top are the best and those of you who know that probably don’t make homemade Mac-n-Cheese without them either!!!....)  After dealing with Trevor for over 45 minutes while just attempting to get that on the table, I was going crazy. 

He always wants these “snacks” as soon as we walk in the door, and it’s one after another…cheese, fruit snacks, cherries, crackers, crackers….more crackers.  I have been trying to stay strong about only having one before supper (for months now)… and if it is soooooo persistent, then I am trying make that snack appear as part of supper by having him sit at the table while eating it... He wasn’t having any of my ideas last night = they obviously were not his ideas.  He threw his crying tantrum for over an hour last night… I finally got him to calm down and start eating a banana at the table…supper was SOOOOO close to being done, and Daddy walks in from work… “Trevor, why do you look so sad?”  His eyes were swollen and red from crying.  That triggered another moment of despair.  He just couldn’t explain… determine what he wanted.  At first it was more snacks… after time outs and “carry yous”…no kisses and a bunch of NOs from both of us…There was no pleasing him whatsoever.  He booked it out of his chair and moaned into the living room until Isaac was done eating.  So 3 bites of Banana.. and his “snack” of cheese when we walked in the door last night, is all that 3 year old had for supper. 

Then it seemed like playtime was going to satisfy him… Up until this point, Isaac had been good… It is his time to play the iPad when we come in from daycare, so of course he was good.  (I guess that should change now – maybe Trevor needs it then??)  He even ate well, asking for seconds too!!... They were both playing well together.  Until….

BANG … “Oh ---  Trevor I didn’t know your head was there….”  He expressed… not so innocently.  Yeah there -- right under the train track part you were threatening Trevor with -- swinging it around on purpose.  OH, He didn’t want time out… “I didn’t do anything…”  One of the first “bloody” injuries we have had in our house (thankfully…) but HE didn’t do it… right in front of our faces.  They very top of Trevor’s head looked very sore…. Bloody and bright white around that…icky… and ouchy.  You know when Isaac is extremely guilty, because he SAT still (not laid down and begged for his blanket or a toy like usual)… in time out very quietly… It was a LONG time out too.  Even after that long time out… he only lasted 3 minutes and he was playing around with the tree lights.. on and off.. on and off…. Joe warned him many times… of course Mommy was the one that put him BACK IN TIME OUT. 

Thank goodness baths and bed times were right around the corner.

So, it’s a good thing I kept all my receipts for the Christmas gifts!!!... I am now out on the adventure for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals on COAL.