Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Read A Book...or 2, 3, or 4!

Another project day...Just a quick note...

I refinished this book shelf for my new niece...born Dec 28th!...FINALLY got to give it to her. 

I stripped the old black paint, (painful, but necessary process... I like to see results...wish I could find a way to skip the "preparing" steps!!  Don't we all?) and repainted a neutral cream...allowing for room changes as she grows...yet I threw in the color options with the lettering and for now...some PINK and green storage!

Soon to be filled with little girl things I am sure...I wanted to give something with meaning and at the same time it has the ability to grow with her AND also something that would encourage the growth OF her... READING!... I wasn't worried that she would lack in that area...I just knew that they needed somewhere to store it all!!!!!!

In our house.. the iPad... yes even though it is near and dear to my heart and the boys'... I fear it is just pushing the boundaries-- in the way of the overshadowing the reading....maybe a New Year's Resolution...encourage MORE reading to our boys!! --They love it...why not spread it some more!

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love it! Thanks Aunt Deb! It fits right in and is cute as ever! Reading will definitely be part of our lives.
