Thursday, December 1, 2011

and a Lump of COAL for naughty boys...

What a crazy night last night was.  I still have a headache.  Every little thing that is our everyday life was an issue last night. 

It started with me trying to “help” Trevor take off his winter gear when we arrived at home.  He wanted to do it…. MOMMY….. I didn’t know what was for supper….so I thought I would quickly start noodles cooking on the stove and see from there… Well of course it turned into Mac – n – Cheese… (Homemade version, but we didn’t have any beans –an issue of it’s self… Yes beans on top are the best and those of you who know that probably don’t make homemade Mac-n-Cheese without them either!!!....)  After dealing with Trevor for over 45 minutes while just attempting to get that on the table, I was going crazy. 

He always wants these “snacks” as soon as we walk in the door, and it’s one after another…cheese, fruit snacks, cherries, crackers, crackers….more crackers.  I have been trying to stay strong about only having one before supper (for months now)… and if it is soooooo persistent, then I am trying make that snack appear as part of supper by having him sit at the table while eating it... He wasn’t having any of my ideas last night = they obviously were not his ideas.  He threw his crying tantrum for over an hour last night… I finally got him to calm down and start eating a banana at the table…supper was SOOOOO close to being done, and Daddy walks in from work… “Trevor, why do you look so sad?”  His eyes were swollen and red from crying.  That triggered another moment of despair.  He just couldn’t explain… determine what he wanted.  At first it was more snacks… after time outs and “carry yous”…no kisses and a bunch of NOs from both of us…There was no pleasing him whatsoever.  He booked it out of his chair and moaned into the living room until Isaac was done eating.  So 3 bites of Banana.. and his “snack” of cheese when we walked in the door last night, is all that 3 year old had for supper. 

Then it seemed like playtime was going to satisfy him… Up until this point, Isaac had been good… It is his time to play the iPad when we come in from daycare, so of course he was good.  (I guess that should change now – maybe Trevor needs it then??)  He even ate well, asking for seconds too!!... They were both playing well together.  Until….

BANG … “Oh ---  Trevor I didn’t know your head was there….”  He expressed… not so innocently.  Yeah there -- right under the train track part you were threatening Trevor with -- swinging it around on purpose.  OH, He didn’t want time out… “I didn’t do anything…”  One of the first “bloody” injuries we have had in our house (thankfully…) but HE didn’t do it… right in front of our faces.  They very top of Trevor’s head looked very sore…. Bloody and bright white around that…icky… and ouchy.  You know when Isaac is extremely guilty, because he SAT still (not laid down and begged for his blanket or a toy like usual)… in time out very quietly… It was a LONG time out too.  Even after that long time out… he only lasted 3 minutes and he was playing around with the tree lights.. on and off.. on and off…. Joe warned him many times… of course Mommy was the one that put him BACK IN TIME OUT. 

Thank goodness baths and bed times were right around the corner.

So, it’s a good thing I kept all my receipts for the Christmas gifts!!!... I am now out on the adventure for the Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals on COAL. 

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