Traditions are often brought up during the holidays, but they are around us 365 or 366 times a year. Some of my friends are starting a tradition of the “elf on the shelf.” (A little elf sent from santa to assist him in making his naughty and nice list. Kind of a secret spy for Santa. The elf surprises his/her family in the morning usually acting goofy/naughty.) I think he is a wonderful idea! Makes for some good family time. --Maybe someday, but the way mornings go in our house currently, there is no time for a sneaky little elf.
As I had mentioned we are trying to make the tradition of the train around the Christmas Tree…well the mutilated train isn’t feeling like a working tradition right now… Poor thing is abused by its loving and devoted boys. I guess we will be getting a new “Choo Choo” next year. We have minor traditions about the tree being up before Dec 3rd (Ok so it is just my tradition – birthday)…yet still a tradition, no matter how small. Around the holidays, being together as a family…what day, and where… all fall under the traditional category in my book.
There are numerous comments on facebook and within the community regarding too much Santa and that the true meaning of Christmas is disappearing, but I believe that Santa is a true meaning of Christmas. He is a tradition…a family tradition. The issue to me -- is how the “Santa” can be handled. The children (and many adults for that matter) need to know the WHOLE story around Christmas and why it exists. There is nothing wrong with a saint (St. Nick) that was/is generous enough to give to children. Gift GIVING is a wonderful tradition too. Its all in the traditions of Christmas, and how your family explains/deals with them is your tradition also. I don't think it is too commericialized. In fact I am glad there is so much commotion regarding the holiday. Christmas represents giving it is what Jesus and God have done for us -- all they do is give.
Holiday traditions can become more challenging as loved ones leave us to be with Jesus, or families grow bigger, move away, etc... Holding onto traditions are an important part of who we are and who we become. They are hard to let go of and make adaptions too, as it is what holds a family together. It is about making memories.
A tradition is a ritual, belief or object passed down within a society, still maintained in the present, with origins in the past. {Wiki ;) }
Other traditions may be not even be thought of as such. I had a conversation recently that had me thinking about a family tradition my parents have instilled in us (their daughters). As the definition states: it has origins from the past…so I am quite certain this said “tradition” has been developed from their origins and hopefully it is a tradition that can continue well into my offspring as well. The tradition I am referring too? Being the best you can be, going above and beyond, and accomplishing much with little to no reward or expectation in the end… As McElroys we don’t give up, we don’t compromise ourselves when the world turns a direction we weren’t expecting…heck as Bremers (My Mother’s side) we don’t either. We have our bad days, down sides…but we are VERY persistent in our tradition. It isn’t in our character to give up or let someone else down.
The biggest challenge may be in meeting the expectations of this tradition. It isn’t like there is a said limit in this McElroy/Bremer expedition…never has been…never will be, just simply being proud of yourself, and making others proud too. It is quite a challenge. Maybe we put too much of this pressure on ourselves. But it isn’t a tradition that I am about to let go. My kids aren’t even into a school system yet, but I fear the challenges set forth on them even now, just knowing that the traditions of our family will continue and continue to be a challenge as we are facing them and disappointments throughout our lives.
Please continue to hold dear the traditions established in your lives. It offers us motivation as well as memories.
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