The high cholesterol issue that is evident throughout our family was discussed more in-depth. Both my parents have high cholesterol, sisters, myself, and Joe’s dad…so the pediatrician had recently (last few years) been educated on giving fish oil supplements to young children as a way to curb the genetic implications of his future.
Odd, as recent blogs I have been reading – families are using fish oil as a boost for speech development in kids with apraxia, but I hadn’t been convinced yet. So, if I had any doubts about how fish oil could help Trevor with improving speech abilities—why not use it as a double whammy, with him also.
Since reading the apraxia family blogs I have been searching the internet for any “evidence.” The fact that it is even mentioned on most of the “what is fish oil,” and “benefits of fish oil” websites that I have found…gives me good enough reason to give it a shot., explains, “There is ongoing research regarding "the speech diet", using fish oils as a supplement therapy.”
It is also a very good website for describing apraxia as a whole. “Apraxia Explained” is her web book….but the website is full of information as well. (She is from ND!)
Here is one website that mentioned the following benefits:
- Movement disorder in children (dyspraxia). Taking fish oil orally, in combination with evening primrose oil, thyme oil, and vitamin E (Efalex, Efamol Ltd), seems to improve movement disorders in children with dyspraxia.
- And even – “Asthma. (Isaac) Some research suggests fish oil may lower the occurrence of asthma in infants and children when taken by women late in pregnancy. Furthermore, fish oil seems to improve airflow, reduce cough, and lower the need for medications in some children with asthma. However, fish oil treatment doesn’t seem to provide the same benefit for adults.”
They are both currently getting the supplements. The pediatrician recommended how to dispense it to the kids after I had inquired: … Slice open the capsule (easier said than done) and mix it into peanut butter or applesauce. So far 2 doses are in!... with the applesauce and the kids didn’t even notice!!!... I am wondering about yogurt too??... I don’t see why not?
So with the current struggles and adaptations for Trevor, will I really be able to see if the fish oil is improving his speech or if it is just the gradual progress that we are currently seeing with speech therapy. Either way, it is worth the shot! And the possibility of avoiding the risks associated with high cholesterol in his future. I see no reason to delay.
In my opinion, he has recently hit a “plateau.” For a while, there were great strides of improvement (even to the point that I was relieved and excited), but the past couple of weeks have been tough to get him to “use his words” to describe what he wants, needs… especially when he is a frustrated 3 year old. Is it part of being that THREE year old, probably, but just know and understand that it is difficult to deal with daily. And I am officially convinced, after my recent research, that Trevor suffers from apraxia.
So as this process is just starting, I hope to report the great improvements for Trevor! When it happens!?? I will be sure to share!!
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