Do you ever feel like things you do to keep your family going go unnoticed (all the time)?
If only those husbands could and would understand it. Friday night was a dousy. Joe needed all this praise for “helping me out” around the house that day. We were both off Friday afternoon…with my job changes (same job, just a different company) I will soon be working those Friday afternoons again. So I guess “I” will need more of that help around the house.
When though, did it become – ONLY MY JOB – to do the laundry and make supper and clean up/pick up the house…even get the kids picked up from daycare? Grocery shopping and putting them away? These were all examples that Joe listed (and did THAT day) that needed some sort of “credit” for his generosity ??? Where is my reward for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday….. oh yeah it doesn’t end, does it? And just some down right recognition for going above and beyond for “participating” in the everyday “chores” EVERY week? What about the person who is obviously seen as being the soul provider of achieving those tasks – ALWAYS?
I am NOT saying Joe doesn’t do things around the house – even mostly outside. BUT – there is no need for him to be overly praised and thanked, if I can’t get that same amount of daily honor for my accomplishments? Maybe even the accomplishment for just surviving another day of motherhood?! When I am outside (and I realize it is seldom) cleaning up the yard…helping to shovel (thank goodness for no snow yet!!) and just keeping things together outdoors… I don’t ask for this recognition of “helping” Joe out. It is my yard too. I realize we each have items that we take care of more often, it is more practical that way, but it is still both of our duties in having a house, taking care of it, feeding ourselves and others, and fathering/mothering …period…
Another minimal, but important example of spouses overlooking what we just seem to achieve with ease: I was working on addressing the Christmas cards and Joe stated rudely… I thought you did those last week? Really? What I did last week was: fold, seal, and place stamps and return address labels on the envelopes. All that I needed to “finish up” was addressing them. Just goes to show that he doesn’t even know what goes into a “simple” task that just “gets taken care of”, does he? But I am sure I was taking too much time away from something else he figured I needed to “get done” that night.
If I have learned anything over this Friday “discussion” about him “helping ME out,” is that everyone should be appreciated for the “little” things they do. Even when they accomplish an everyday task…. Just more cause for everyday commotions throughout this household. Giving gratitude is important… but it goes both ways. (AND don’t leave out the kids…they are the ones that REALLY need the gratitude!) Everyone participates around a house – it is the only feasible way a household could run.