Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round....

So do the wheels in a mother's brain, when she is thinking about her little boy starting school. 

We have just started back at Gearing Up for Kindergarten after a winter/holiday break.  Although I believe that Isaac is ready for school (even though he is upside down for most of the day -- his hands might turn into feet soon) still makes my stomach churn when thinking about it for both my kids. 

The program is a great program -- and we all know that I over think things too much, but I come home on Tuesday nights and get to thinking... about everything to do with school.  Bullying.... for example.  I thought "getting teased" in school for me was bad -- but after looking back it probably wasn't that big of a deal... I should have befriended my husband a bit earlier... and we could have just hung out.... lol!  I think it is worse now though?  Is it, or is it just talked about more often, but with kids committing suicide these days, I think maybe it still isn't talked about enough.  But honestly, how can I be sure I am teaching my children to treat everyone nicely, yet at the same time -- stick up for themselves.  It shouldn't even have to be a concern --should it?  Do the teachers and staff step in when necessary?  Do they step in too often?  Uff... the challenges we are about to face in 8 months sure makes me nervous. 

I just really hope that my kids can find a "good" group of friends to just be themselves around.  I wish that my kids are able to set good examples for others and be a leader that way, but not the pushy this is my way and the only way type of leader.  I am sure that is how most mothers feel, but just how do we know when things aren't going well, or when my kid is causing hard feelings, or is the one getting hurt. 

We watched 17 Again the other day... and I know that movies may be to the extreme, but there was a boy  duck taped to the toilet and it made my heart sink... it was supposed to be a funny moment, but I couldn't help but to ponder about the situtation and if my kid was on either end of that prank --how and what would be the appropriate action?

Also, I am nervous about how they will handle their school subjects... which ones will they struggle in -- will they just give up, or try so hard they don't have any fun.  I guess what I am saying is, I don't need that 4.0 student in my house, but I don't want them to struggle by--  just barely passing each class either.  Am I going to have to help with homework EVERY night... that just seems a bit rediculous too.... I hope Joe participates with full power on this one... I think I know better already.  He'll be the one chanting the boys on... that's ok History is dumb anyways... I can see it already.

I know we aren't even IN school yet, but it sure makes me nervous. (Have I said that yet?)  I just want them to have a BUNCH of great experiences before the "real world" of work, work, and work sets in. 

Another of the challenges turning in my mind is... We will be moving mid-school year and it sounds to me like "open-enrollment" is completely up to the principal??  Am I wrong here?  So I sure hope both Isaac in Kindergarten and Trevor in speech don't need to start over somewhere right off the bat...and I would really like them to go to Elementary school in the place they are starting at-- a plus -- Daycare is a short walk away for after school!!  So please world, make this an easy adaption for this new to school mommy.  And if this can't be the case, what do I do with my child after school?  How do I make it to his events when I am working 40 + hours a week?  How do people do this??!!!!!

I guess we sure have alot of new experiences to get through next year.  Maybe, we, as a family, will finally be in the loop though.. it seems the parents of 5 year olds without siblings in school have to search for how to get involved in the community.  Swimming lessons, soccer, t-ball, and even storytime at the library -- they seem to slip through my fingers... registeration is EARLY for these things too.. so don't miss out... by the way better sign up for Soccer by February 15th -- for April, or we will miss that too.

And so starts the years of running all over the place to get your kids "active"  -- I thought I was tired already!  ha...

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