I know this is nit-picky, but I just can't understand how or why this needs to happen.
So, first I would like to mention that so far the house building experience is going GREAT! There isn't much stress yet, I think it is very fun! And that we really know what we want, and that is helping! This is where I thought the daily tiffs would be coming in... Yesterday afternoon Joe and I both had the afternoon off to do house building things. We had so much fun (well Joe may not admit it was "fun" but I loved it). We were done by 3:30, so we came home and relaxed for an hour. Actually Joe put away the dishes and I sat down -- so he joined me about 5 minutes later. I asked him to get the kids and I would start supper...after a little grumble and me asking him if he wanted to start supper instead... he proceeding to daycare, opting out of supper -- as always!
So, I was appreciative of that -- until -- this morning when we were heading out the door. The routine boy Trevor is, needed his mittens on (although he takes them off as soon as he gets in the Jeep --even when its still in the garage). So where were they? Yep still in the Jeep from last night when he was picked up at daycare. So, again, I know this is little and just an annoyance, but it caused sleep deprived Trevor, who was up at 5:15 this morning for some unknown reason??! to have a melt down that lasted ALLLLLL the way to daycare... That was even after I finally found both mittens in the Jeep -- one was hidden under his carseat ALREADY . The process to find mittens, while a three year old is crying and hanging on you and you are trying to get out the door -- IT'S TOUGH... Something Joe won't understand -- cuz he doesn't do it day in and day out -- He thinks its easy (which I suppose it is, if you aren't getting everything done for that particular task). Trevor was wearing his mittens and still whining, "Mittens Mommy, Mittttteeeeennnnnssss." It ended up being an even more stressful morning, with a child that was up early and not happy. It was an avoidable melt down, that I didn't appreciate happening.
Honestly, the kids are both responsible enough to grab their own hats and mittens... BUT they need a gentle reminder. Trevor especially, AND he has them in hand before he climbs out 98% of the time--after the reminder.
If it is as simple as that, could you please just bring everything INTO the house when you get the kids. I haven't even mentioned this to Joe, because all I would hear is, "You can get the kids then..." So the nice gesture of him picking up the kids the night before, just isn't worth the morning fits. I guess I will get them myself and then everything can stick to the PERFECT routine for our little 3 year old boy....(and Mommy.)
Also of note, when Isaac and I left for Gearing Up for Kindergarten last night we couldn't find his hat --IT was in the Jeep, I guess that should have been my first indicator that MORE items were still MIA.
Funny and pretty hypocritical is how Joe is "always picking up after ME" in the Jeep -- For example I have a Nutrigrain wrapper from eating breakfast on the way to work in the car -- and it has been there for a WHOLE 2 days... That drives Joe crazy... Hmmmmmmm..........(Its not that I leave the wrappers on purpose--and I pick up after myself after a few days, or when I am near a garbage, but I guess there are some mittens to be found that I am more concerned about first!!!)
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