Thursday, April 12, 2012

big, BiGgEr, BIGGEST

I know it has been quite a while since I visited (posted), but on the stressed out scale from big to BIGGEST.. there is really a whole world turned upside down with major commotions in our lives.  I didn't know even how to express them in writing--I really, maybe, I should have more often, as it would release some of this tension--isn't that why I started this anyway??!!  The unexpected, the uncontrollable, the underestimated, the whole roller coaster of life... we have had about as many ups and downs (more downs than ups) than is possible and all in the last 2 months.  I sure have taken on alot...and it is very stressful in that I can't "plan" it or, organize is all still up in the air and I have no control whatsoever...
Just to freshen my list in my head and somewhat catch you up...

{We will start simple-- although at moments it doesn't seem so 'simple' and can easily take over as a BIGGEST stressor at the time) --Trevor has a cold and refuses to take medicine that isn't grape flavored... He is also an exaggerated 'Trevor' as we know him -- even more persistent when he is sick (typical male???!).}  It is a sinus/head cold and there isn't anything I can find in grape for that... he is currently napping, I may just let him sleep until the a.m. (its 3 pm now!!) -- that is what I should be doing napping...I need to start going to bed earlier.. it keeps getting later and later, with no real reason to be well rested in the morning...why not stay up...bummer. 

Isaac started soccer practice last Monday---and he LOVES it!.. of course.. it is all running ---actually I was quite surprised at all the "huddling" around the ball the team does... Isaac kind of dances around the huddle waiting for a that is how we practice.. passing to each I guess we really need to just get him in the "huddle" action... but he was grinning the ENTIRE time, so that lightens the stress load a bit.. just knowing there is something that can ease the mind and knowing that we can still just have a fun time and enjoy life... even during these stressful months.   T-ball and Kindergarten are just around the corner... new speech schedules too... should be interesting with (hopefully by then) a new job!

I have numerous cakes to decorate in the rest of April and beginning of May... good YES.. bad... YES... I love to do them 9and to see the results please my customers, they bring in some $$$, but we sold our freezer (getting a HUGE one in the new house!!!)--which means no preparing ahead of time-- and the kids go to daycare part time, but still...(and there is packing and a rummage sale to get ready) so even though in theory there is all this "time"... where is it???  constantly on the does that happen? 

oh that HUSBAND... probably an entire different blog day for that... lol!!.. but he also seems to imagine a "time" that I have on my hands to do crazy and unnecessary things.... if only he really knew what I did.. pretty sure he thinks I look at pinterest and facebook and blog... all day long........not so much (of course I check it... duh!!!!)... but not nearly like he assumes...oh I am probably taking 3 hour naps too...and never making supper........

oh yeah... and that little thing called selling our house, and moving and getting the next house and apartment life going......

Well there is one thing I can control right now.. It will be the most organized move EVER... well in my life anyway.. these last few weeks in our current home will be filled to the brim with organizing the PERFECT move... We received news (good for once--) that we are moving ahead with and will probably have to be out of the house on May 10th.  (that is just around the corner!!!!!  The appraiser should be through by the beginning of next week (CROSS your fingers-- that there isn't a huge stressor around the corner from the results of that too-- I don't foresee anything, but then again..... such is my life right now!) 

We already have a BEAUTIFULLY smallllllllll... no (ok so its little) kitchen {to bake cakes ;(--I have 2 weddings in June.... uuuurrrrggghhhhhh } 2 bedroom apartment that I am not sure if my bed will fit in my new room... apartment lined up... but we settled on it... It is in the current school district -- THAT at least will make life a bit easier to handle.. for a few months anyway... REALLY, wanted to keep Trevor at his current speech pathologist...since he is doing so well with her (although in the summer months he will be going to the college for it), Isaac will be going to Introduction to Kindergarten there, and daycare is right around the corner... Isaac will also be assigned to T-ball at that school's location if we are there... so I just really needed that little 'break' and something made easy -- the apartment isn't worth it AT ALL... really bummed, but it will just be temporary and should be an easy move.. up 1 flight of stairs.. not 3... like our other option...really not looking forward to moving twice within 6 months (max!!!!)  but I will do it for the end result!!!!  (CANNOT WAIT!)

The remainder of our house is heading to my hometown... in our boat and camper storage area.. at least we have that option in our favor!!!

wowowowow... much more difficult than I expected.. as my previous job searches were performed while I had a job, so you don't have time to dwell on it every single minute...second... of the day.

It is amazing what can actually be on that stressing scale per day.  First, the amount and reasons for the stress changes significantly EVERYDAY... We can go from... packing up the house, to I better stop packing as I need to leave it 'staged' ----to--- I have a great job opportunity and I jump with excitement every time the phone rings... to the downward ride of more disappointment or unanswered  questions that arise with every turn.... WOW.. I know what a confusing statement, but in fact--such is my daily life right now.  Really looking forward to a stage of "coasting along nice and slow... sitting back and enjoying life"....

I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel... a dim one right now, but hopefully the roller coaster is speeding up as I am not so sure this mommy can handle much more of the unknown.  That just isn't in my nature... I would love to have LIFE all planned out... but I suppose that is in some very important hands from above and maybe I should really start to let him take more control... as he is already -- in control.  Maybe there is just one more "Hill" to conquer and then the coasting can begin--I can dream can't I??--I should work on sleeping, if dreaming is what I am after!)

Much advice has be given and taken...but the one thing I hear alot is.. " there must be something bigger and better out there waiting for you--or It's a blessing in disguise"... I sure hope that is true... impatiently waiting for that light!

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