I know this is nit-picky, but I just can't understand how or why this needs to happen.
So, first I would like to mention that so far the house building experience is going GREAT! There isn't much stress yet, I think it is very fun! And that we really know what we want, and that is helping! This is where I thought the daily tiffs would be coming in... Yesterday afternoon Joe and I both had the afternoon off to do house building things. We had so much fun (well Joe may not admit it was "fun" but I loved it). We were done by 3:30, so we came home and relaxed for an hour. Actually Joe put away the dishes and I sat down -- so he joined me about 5 minutes later. I asked him to get the kids and I would start supper...after a little grumble and me asking him if he wanted to start supper instead... he proceeding to daycare, opting out of supper -- as always!
So, I was appreciative of that -- until -- this morning when we were heading out the door. The routine boy Trevor is, needed his mittens on (although he takes them off as soon as he gets in the Jeep --even when its still in the garage). So where were they? Yep still in the Jeep from last night when he was picked up at daycare. So, again, I know this is little and just an annoyance, but it caused sleep deprived Trevor, who was up at 5:15 this morning for some unknown reason??! to have a melt down that lasted ALLLLLL the way to daycare... That was even after I finally found both mittens in the Jeep -- one was hidden under his carseat ALREADY . The process to find mittens, while a three year old is crying and hanging on you and you are trying to get out the door -- IT'S TOUGH... Something Joe won't understand -- cuz he doesn't do it day in and day out -- He thinks its easy (which I suppose it is, if you aren't getting everything done for that particular task). Trevor was wearing his mittens and still whining, "Mittens Mommy, Mittttteeeeennnnnssss." It ended up being an even more stressful morning, with a child that was up early and not happy. It was an avoidable melt down, that I didn't appreciate happening.
Honestly, the kids are both responsible enough to grab their own hats and mittens... BUT they need a gentle reminder. Trevor especially, AND he has them in hand before he climbs out 98% of the time--after the reminder.
If it is as simple as that, could you please just bring everything INTO the house when you get the kids. I haven't even mentioned this to Joe, because all I would hear is, "You can get the kids then..." So the nice gesture of him picking up the kids the night before, just isn't worth the morning fits. I guess I will get them myself and then everything can stick to the PERFECT routine for our little 3 year old boy....(and Mommy.)
Also of note, when Isaac and I left for Gearing Up for Kindergarten last night we couldn't find his hat --IT was in the Jeep, I guess that should have been my first indicator that MORE items were still MIA.
Funny and pretty hypocritical is how Joe is "always picking up after ME" in the Jeep -- For example I have a Nutrigrain wrapper from eating breakfast on the way to work in the car -- and it has been there for a WHOLE 2 days... That drives Joe crazy... Hmmmmmmm..........(Its not that I leave the wrappers on purpose--and I pick up after myself after a few days, or when I am near a garbage, but I guess there are some mittens to be found that I am more concerned about first!!!)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round....
So do the wheels in a mother's brain, when she is thinking about her little boy starting school.
We have just started back at Gearing Up for Kindergarten after a winter/holiday break. Although I believe that Isaac is ready for school (even though he is upside down for most of the day -- his hands might turn into feet soon)...it still makes my stomach churn when thinking about it for both my kids.
The program is a great program -- and we all know that I over think things too much, but I come home on Tuesday nights and get to thinking... about everything to do with school. Bullying.... for example. I thought "getting teased" in school for me was bad -- but after looking back it probably wasn't that big of a deal... I should have befriended my husband a bit earlier... and we could have just hung out.... lol! I think it is worse now though? Is it, or is it just talked about more often, but with kids committing suicide these days, I think maybe it still isn't talked about enough. But honestly, how can I be sure I am teaching my children to treat everyone nicely, yet at the same time -- stick up for themselves. It shouldn't even have to be a concern --should it? Do the teachers and staff step in when necessary? Do they step in too often? Uff... the challenges we are about to face in 8 months sure makes me nervous.
I just really hope that my kids can find a "good" group of friends to just be themselves around. I wish that my kids are able to set good examples for others and be a leader that way, but not the pushy this is my way and the only way type of leader. I am sure that is how most mothers feel, but just how do we know when things aren't going well, or when my kid is causing hard feelings, or is the one getting hurt.
We watched 17 Again the other day... and I know that movies may be to the extreme, but there was a boy duck taped to the toilet and it made my heart sink... it was supposed to be a funny moment, but I couldn't help but to ponder about the situtation and if my kid was on either end of that prank --how and what would be the appropriate action?
Also, I am nervous about how they will handle their school subjects... which ones will they struggle in -- will they just give up, or try so hard they don't have any fun. I guess what I am saying is, I don't need that 4.0 student in my house, but I don't want them to struggle by-- just barely passing each class either. Am I going to have to help with homework EVERY night... that just seems a bit rediculous too.... I hope Joe participates with full power on this one... I think I know better already. He'll be the one chanting the boys on... that's ok History is dumb anyways... I can see it already.
I know we aren't even IN school yet, but it sure makes me nervous. (Have I said that yet?) I just want them to have a BUNCH of great experiences before the "real world" of work, work, and work sets in.
Another of the challenges turning in my mind is... We will be moving mid-school year and it sounds to me like "open-enrollment" is completely up to the principal?? Am I wrong here? So I sure hope both Isaac in Kindergarten and Trevor in speech don't need to start over somewhere right off the bat...and I would really like them to go to Elementary school in the place they are starting at-- a plus -- Daycare is a short walk away for after school!! So please world, make this an easy adaption for this new to school mommy. And if this can't be the case, what do I do with my child after school? How do I make it to his events when I am working 40 + hours a week? How do people do this??!!!!!
I guess we sure have alot of new experiences to get through next year. Maybe, we, as a family, will finally be in the loop though.. it seems the parents of 5 year olds without siblings in school have to search for how to get involved in the community. Swimming lessons, soccer, t-ball, and even storytime at the library -- they seem to slip through my fingers... registeration is EARLY for these things too.. so don't miss out... by the way better sign up for Soccer by February 15th -- for April, or we will miss that too.
And so starts the years of running all over the place to get your kids "active" -- I thought I was tired already! ha...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Growing tooooo fast...
The stage of a child's life when you can actually SEE their imaginations making sense?... I suppose in stages all along if we were to really concentrate on the little things they do we would see the progress began from birth-- so it probably started long before I discovered it. (Although--noticing Trevor's progress is "easier" -- that is why I am blogging about Isaac today -- I am be concentrating too hard on actual milestones then everyday activities.) Basically, what I am trying to state is that Isaac's drawings and "projects" have become recognizable, he is "playing" roles and encouraging others to become "something" within the game, and the reasonings behind his ways of doing something are turning into actual strategies. Are these all positive? NOPE...
He has SOOOO much excitement showing off his projects and "homework -- from daycare-- and I can actually figure out what most of the drawings are!!!! He still loves to explain them --so we let him! Every single one!!!.. ha ha.....
These playdoh figures were created with help of their babysitter cousin, but the pride sure showed through -- It was almost 1 week on my countertop before I was "allowed" to throw them out --only after I took a picture! I hope he can continue through life with pride. If we all had as much pride as he showed over some playdoh figures -- we could achieve so much more in our day to day life!
He continues to pretend play, but the creative mind his is using sure surprises me. Mostly involving friends or a certain brother...They go on hunts together! (you can tell I have boys in my house)... Moose, Bear, ... They even sneak up on the animals...but before they shoot them, they are LOUDLY pointing and screaming at whatever animal they will shoot "Look Mom, a Bear --Over there on the Mountain top" --I would think this would scare away most animals... but I have been told, not the fake ones that live in our house... Geeze MOM!
BUT sometimes his pretend play isn't quite so "cute." I think the little stinker will be a leader someday... (In one of the next few blogs -- I will explain what worries me about this stuff) He hasn't been saying --said naughty words, but he is telling his younger counterparts what to say --especially at daycare... He is sneaky, I suppose he is all too aware that he would get in trouble, but he hadn't figured out that he would still get in trouble...because the adults know better than that!... This past week he encouraged the remainder of the daycare kids to say penis.. yep... and stupid the next day... They repeated it over and over and over again... cuz Isaac was telling them too.... Uff... He got into trouble BIG trouble.. no iPad that night -- and Yes Isaac would think the world was ending if he didn't get that!
On the way home from daycare, I try to give the "lecture" and take care of the issue right away, so that it is done and over with before we get home...sometimes it works.. and others.......well you understand. BUT the other day (the penis word day) I asked him what happen to my good little boy.....He told me, "He is in the junkyard hiding -- and he isn't coming back." Although I laughed inside --well mostly... I know he was listening and that my good boy would be back -- cuz a few days later, I told him I was proud of him, cuz his daycare provider told me he was wonderful that day--and Isaac replied to me, "Mom, someone must have found your good boy in the junkyard and gave him a ride back to town!!!" lol!!!!! So,I guess I will keep pluggin' along on my "drive home lectures," because even if it took a few days -- it is sinking in!
So... his strategizing techniques.. unfortunately are mostly used for trying to get out of something... Getting out of trouble... getting out of getting dressed... ETC, ETC, ETC... Ha... One that HE thinks he is good at... getting out of eating supper..."I ate alot for snack today mom... I am just not hungry" (Who knew a five year old could think like that -- I didn't expect it.) Wow.. Do I have alot to learn??!!
They pay attention to EVERYTHING -- yes that is a warning AND a reminder to myself. We were watching "Mommy's show" --doesn't happen very often (it was probably on HGTV and not a movie, or cartoon) and I wasn't paying attention to the commercials --but Isaac asked me, "What does deep mean..." Ummmmmmmm....I said, "When we dig in the dirt and you only shoveled one scoop, that is "shallow" and when you shovel in the same spot more it is getting deeper!" Pretty good right ---NOPE... Cuz he continued with the question -- "Then what does 'Chevy runs deep' mean?"... I HAVE NO IDEA. Yup that is what I told him too... but then it brought us into the conversation about how our family likes Jeep and Dodge better anyway!! ha ha!!!!!!!
Love having boys!.. They sure keep me on my toes!
He has SOOOO much excitement showing off his projects and "homework -- from daycare-- and I can actually figure out what most of the drawings are!!!! He still loves to explain them --so we let him! Every single one!!!.. ha ha.....
These playdoh figures were created with help of their babysitter cousin, but the pride sure showed through -- It was almost 1 week on my countertop before I was "allowed" to throw them out --only after I took a picture! I hope he can continue through life with pride. If we all had as much pride as he showed over some playdoh figures -- we could achieve so much more in our day to day life!
He continues to pretend play, but the creative mind his is using sure surprises me. Mostly involving friends or a certain brother...They go on hunts together! (you can tell I have boys in my house)... Moose, Bear, ... They even sneak up on the animals...but before they shoot them, they are LOUDLY pointing and screaming at whatever animal they will shoot "Look Mom, a Bear --Over there on the Mountain top" --I would think this would scare away most animals... but I have been told, not the fake ones that live in our house... Geeze MOM!
BUT sometimes his pretend play isn't quite so "cute." I think the little stinker will be a leader someday... (In one of the next few blogs -- I will explain what worries me about this stuff) He hasn't been saying --said naughty words, but he is telling his younger counterparts what to say --especially at daycare... He is sneaky, I suppose he is all too aware that he would get in trouble, but he hadn't figured out that he would still get in trouble...because the adults know better than that!... This past week he encouraged the remainder of the daycare kids to say penis.. yep... and stupid the next day... They repeated it over and over and over again... cuz Isaac was telling them too.... Uff... He got into trouble BIG trouble.. no iPad that night -- and Yes Isaac would think the world was ending if he didn't get that!
On the way home from daycare, I try to give the "lecture" and take care of the issue right away, so that it is done and over with before we get home...sometimes it works.. and others.......well you understand. BUT the other day (the penis word day) I asked him what happen to my good little boy.....He told me, "He is in the junkyard hiding -- and he isn't coming back." Although I laughed inside --well mostly... I know he was listening and that my good boy would be back -- cuz a few days later, I told him I was proud of him, cuz his daycare provider told me he was wonderful that day--and Isaac replied to me, "Mom, someone must have found your good boy in the junkyard and gave him a ride back to town!!!" lol!!!!! So,I guess I will keep pluggin' along on my "drive home lectures," because even if it took a few days -- it is sinking in!
So... his strategizing techniques.. unfortunately are mostly used for trying to get out of something... Getting out of trouble... getting out of getting dressed... ETC, ETC, ETC... Ha... One that HE thinks he is good at... getting out of eating supper..."I ate alot for snack today mom... I am just not hungry" (Who knew a five year old could think like that -- I didn't expect it.) Wow.. Do I have alot to learn??!!
They pay attention to EVERYTHING -- yes that is a warning AND a reminder to myself. We were watching "Mommy's show" --doesn't happen very often (it was probably on HGTV and not a movie, or cartoon) and I wasn't paying attention to the commercials --but Isaac asked me, "What does deep mean..." Ummmmmmmm....I said, "When we dig in the dirt and you only shoveled one scoop, that is "shallow" and when you shovel in the same spot more it is getting deeper!" Pretty good right ---NOPE... Cuz he continued with the question -- "Then what does 'Chevy runs deep' mean?"... I HAVE NO IDEA. Yup that is what I told him too... but then it brought us into the conversation about how our family likes Jeep and Dodge better anyway!! ha ha!!!!!!!
Love having boys!.. They sure keep me on my toes!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
What supper AGITATION?...
A crafty project to clean up the supper time agitation? My love for a pinterest project just can't seem to pass me by. But when I saw this wonderful idea... I knew it was sure to assist in improving our supper routine.
I created this board based on the one that I saw. And so far have included our favorites and a few additional supper options. Of course spagetti is listed! and corndogs...chicken strips...BUT really even if that is the supper of choice for the evening at least with the weekly organization this pretty board allows, I know what to make and that the ingredients needed for the meal are in the house!
The packet holds all of the ideas with blank ones to add things as we remember meals or create new recipes. We (I) go through the packet to find 7 days worth of meals --I sift through the cabinets, fridge, and freezer and add needed items to the grocery list. The last 2 trips to the grocery store have been about $25 cheaper too ----- a BIG plus to this system that I wasn't expecting. Thrilled about it though!
How I created it...It's a bar pan...the cheapest one I could find! Mine is a 13" x 15" I believe? Then I lined the pan with 12" x 12" scrapbook paper -glue stick--(I would use as thin of a sheet as you can--The overlapped area around the Monday magnet is a bit weak to hold 3 sheets of paper) I found "strong" magnets that I kind of tested myself at the arts and crafts store as they aren't labeled, but there were definetly some weak ones. I would imagine the stronger the better. .. and small wooden circles for the days of the week (which I painted brown). I stamped the abbreviation for the days on cardstock, cut them out and glued (glue stick) them to each circle. I then hot glued the magnet onto the back and lined them up...The packet and the shopping list paper are held on by magnetic clips for easier access to remove and replace. I of course I added some decorative accents and with 2 adorable boys' pictures and a title.
The challenge...finding the meal choices to print out....So I am going to make a TINY confession--there are 3 different, but similar cards -- that read...Pizza, Homemade Pizza, Order in Pizza...Ha ha!!!... Oh there is also Pizza hotdish. I know, I know BUT hey at least I know what I making ;) !!!
Ok so the agitation still exists, but it is improving as well (Please note... side dishes are still applesauce, and yogurt with a dash of fish oil -- I don't know if my kids will like these "sides" when they are older because they are eating them SOOOO often now, but they even request one per supper now!)
I created this board based on the one that I saw. And so far have included our favorites and a few additional supper options. Of course spagetti is listed! and corndogs...chicken strips...BUT really even if that is the supper of choice for the evening at least with the weekly organization this pretty board allows, I know what to make and that the ingredients needed for the meal are in the house!
The packet holds all of the ideas with blank ones to add things as we remember meals or create new recipes. We (I) go through the packet to find 7 days worth of meals --I sift through the cabinets, fridge, and freezer and add needed items to the grocery list. The last 2 trips to the grocery store have been about $25 cheaper too ----- a BIG plus to this system that I wasn't expecting. Thrilled about it though!
How I created it...It's a bar pan...the cheapest one I could find! Mine is a 13" x 15" I believe? Then I lined the pan with 12" x 12" scrapbook paper -glue stick--(I would use as thin of a sheet as you can--The overlapped area around the Monday magnet is a bit weak to hold 3 sheets of paper) I found "strong" magnets that I kind of tested myself at the arts and crafts store as they aren't labeled, but there were definetly some weak ones. I would imagine the stronger the better. .. and small wooden circles for the days of the week (which I painted brown). I stamped the abbreviation for the days on cardstock, cut them out and glued (glue stick) them to each circle. I then hot glued the magnet onto the back and lined them up...The packet and the shopping list paper are held on by magnetic clips for easier access to remove and replace. I of course I added some decorative accents and with 2 adorable boys' pictures and a title.
The original idea found on pinterest, but on the blog http://monas3rd.blogspot.com/2011_09_04_archive.html |
Ok so the agitation still exists, but it is improving as well (Please note... side dishes are still applesauce, and yogurt with a dash of fish oil -- I don't know if my kids will like these "sides" when they are older because they are eating them SOOOO often now, but they even request one per supper now!)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Read A Book...or 2, 3, or 4!
Another project day...Just a quick note...
I refinished this book shelf for my new niece...born Dec 28th!...FINALLY got to give it to her.
I stripped the old black paint, (painful, but necessary process... I like to see results...wish I could find a way to skip the "preparing" steps!! Don't we all?) and repainted a neutral cream...allowing for room changes as she grows...yet I threw in the color options with the lettering and for now...some PINK and green storage!
Soon to be filled with little girl things I am sure...I wanted to give something with meaning and at the same time it has the ability to grow with her AND also something that would encourage the growth OF her... READING!... I wasn't worried that she would lack in that area...I just knew that they needed somewhere to store it all!!!!!!
In our house.. the iPad... yes even though it is near and dear to my heart and the boys'... I fear it is just pushing the boundaries-- in the way of the overshadowing the reading....maybe a New Year's Resolution...encourage MORE reading to our boys!! --They love it...why not spread it some more!
I refinished this book shelf for my new niece...born Dec 28th!...FINALLY got to give it to her.
I stripped the old black paint, (painful, but necessary process... I like to see results...wish I could find a way to skip the "preparing" steps!! Don't we all?) and repainted a neutral cream...allowing for room changes as she grows...yet I threw in the color options with the lettering and for now...some PINK and green storage!
Soon to be filled with little girl things I am sure...I wanted to give something with meaning and at the same time it has the ability to grow with her AND also something that would encourage the growth OF her... READING!... I wasn't worried that she would lack in that area...I just knew that they needed somewhere to store it all!!!!!!
In our house.. the iPad... yes even though it is near and dear to my heart and the boys'... I fear it is just pushing the boundaries-- in the way of the overshadowing the reading....maybe a New Year's Resolution...encourage MORE reading to our boys!! --They love it...why not spread it some more!
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