Also in preparing for Halloween – there are many discussions about the costume… we had them decided pretty early…beginning of Sept… I know – lol--- which may be the reason for the kids…and daddy…wanting to change them so often. In the end both kids were proud to share what they were going “to be” for Halloween…
So why the struggle to get them on and kept on?? Trevor didn’t wear his dragon costume at all during the daycare fun day… Isaac only wore half of his. Isaac was a pirate… he wanted a sword, but you can’t just walk around with a sword. I “made” a simple costume for him, the pants were an old hole-y pair of his that I cut up even more…at daycare he wore them like the “capri” pants I cut them to be…He just couldn’t understand why he needed pants under them to go trick or treating outside…he wasn’t going to take his pants off… He didn’t want the eye patch – understandable he wears glasses, but I wanted it on his bandana…so then he didn’t want the bandana, or the belt….AND he didn’t want a jacket on under his shirt. So there was pretty much something wrong with each article of the costume, except that sword. I already knew Trevor was going to be a challenge if he didn’t dress up with the rest of the kids while at daycare, but Isaac threw me for the bigger loop.
I had completely forgotten to “buy” candy for any trick or treaters that would be coming to our house until I was at work on Halloween day. So, I “quickly” ran to the grocery store AFTER getting the kids (My first mistake of the night) and grabbed A bag of candy bars, I ended up buying 2 (luckily). While we were there Isaac was determined to get a cookie, we were at the grocery store mom…He had a fit that foreshadowed the events for the next hour and half. –surely there was about to be candy coming out of our ears – I stood my ground and we headed home a fit all the way. We needed to get home, eat, change into costumes, (Isaac had most of his on, but needed to adapt a bit for the cold weather) and get some “nice” pictures of my kids all dressed up. Ha! It wasn’t after 5 minutes of being home and my steps were being trampled with kids (although most had costumes on, there were at least 5 older boys…12 -- maybe that were in shorts and a t-shirt and had a grocery bag for candy… all they had with – was no manners – scavenging around the younger dressed up kids egger for a piece of candy. Now, when did it become “good manners” to trick or treat without a costume and at a house WITHOUT their porch light on?... I never turned my light on, I wanted to get my household together, so we could get out the door, with as best as a costume as we were capable to actually be wearing. As kids we NEVER went to a house without a light on, and my kids didn’t go to one either. I had 2 pieces of chocolate left by the time we left the house.
I was making a “quick” supper of macaroni and cheese to eat before Joe got home and before our trick or treating could start. AND trying to keep candy out of the boys’ mouths AND answering the door for passing it out --as I was annoyed anyway. I guess I had anticipated them, but I still found it disrespectful. – anyways… Neither boy ate the macaroni… I want applesauce… uff… Just eat, so we can get on with the day, would ya?
After many threats and warning about not trick or treating without your costumes on-- I really meant the last two times… I was about to stay home with ALL the lights OFF and watch scary movies in the basement (and I don’t do that)—THEY finally put their costumes on and Isaac was even excited to take a picture by his pumpkin… Trevor took one, but it wasn’t easy. Trevor was a dragon, he had his “legs” on no problem once Isaac was started cooperating. (He is definitely a follower) and was ready to go, until I was trying to put on his “body” (jacket) He was going in his shirt…we never did get the “eyes” up… on the hood, but the jacket was velcro’ed...Let’s head out the door. We HAD TO have our red “ha” on though. By that point I was SOOOO hot and annoyed I couldn’t wait until the night was over. We started to get into the Jeep, but HAD TO take the pickup cuz that is what Isaac wanted –of course he got his way—Daddy was home and he ALWAYS does whatever is easier, kids getting their way or not, We were finally starting the trick or treating for ourselves--to go see the grandparents first. On the way there I told the kids that Halloween is a fun day and we dress up in order to have fun and that they look great and everyone is going to like them and… and … and…. I know I felt like a big “lecturer” but after their attitudes previously it was finally time to set the vibe for the rest of the night… TIME TO HAVE FUN ! POLITELY!!!!!
FINALLY when we got back into the neighborhood the fun started. Our nephew and his parents joined us and the next hour was fun -FOR ALL OF US! We brought the wagon for any tired kids, anticipating the end of the night would end starting as it did. Trevor thought his candy bucket had to go into the wagon between each house… I bet he put it in there 75% of the time. Hey he follows the routine ALWAYS. It was cute! And so were all 3 boys all dressed UP –finally. I really enjoyed these moments, almost relaxing, – was the beginning of the day worth seeing the boys have fun – I think so, just hope they remember for next year so it isn’t such a challenge to get out the door! The kid in Joe came out that night too… hussling the kids to the doors, and onto the next house – he would have been out until with them – like that wouldn’t have been disrespectful. We were home and in baths with tooooo much candy in their tummies just a little past the normal bathtimes. They slept good, so HALLOWEEN –OR getting ready for it, must have worn them out.
Whewwww… sorry that was a long entry, but so was the day!!
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