Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Shopping we will go....

Over the Bridges and through the horrible drivers --  into the first “bad road conditions” of the year -- we went.  It was a long 8 hour trip to the “cities” for a shopping expedition.  Normally it only takes about 4 hours to get there, but for the first snowy weekend of the season, it seemed to take forever.  I guess someone really wanted us to BOND more!... So that is what we did.  “If it weren’t for stupid drivers, there wouldn’t be accidents!”  So I guess that quote was a bit of a dah??!!!  But really… if there weren’t those drivers slowing down to 25 miles an hour, who think they are being safer -- when everyone else is safely traveling at 40mph there would be no need for the domino effect of brake lights and swaying cars from the slippery roads.  When we have to break to go around you… it isn’t safe for you either.  And on the opposite end… you, out there that thinks you are such a stud to drive 60 mphs weaving in and out of traffic… you didn’t get very far hanging out in the ditch there did you?   Hmmmm did you have to brake too?   So honestly people… Driving in the snow isn’t that big of a deal… just use the pace that is set and drive safely that way.. not “stupidly!”   OK, OK I know… not all accidents are preventable, but some could be eliminated if people just used some common sense!!...

Plans changed a few times…from should we stop at the outlet malls for shopping in the sleeting, snowing, and bone chillin’ windy weather (each being a different store, so we would have went outside often)– or the winning vote was to continue on the interstate at 40 mph toward the hotel and shop inside for comfort!!!...

First stop was a must!  IKEA!!!... I finally got to experience it!  SOOOOOOooooo am headed back to it!  Especially, once the house plans and building are underway.  Just the inspiration from the rooms – it is different than what we are used to here in Norwegian ND!... Even though IKEA is Scandinavian!  So much fun – could have spent hours and mega dollars as well… I took about 20 pictures to remember things!  So a Minnesota shopping trip for the house is a must in the FUTURE!... We will have to bring a trailer—UFFDA!... Ha…

Uff, Uffda, … Ya sure you betcha!.. Ok so the latter one was mostly used as a joke, but I suppose we used the others all too often!... So much fun to laugh and enjoy ourselves, just visiting. 

I am quite sure I accomplished more CHRISTMAS shopping than the other ladies that were with… uh ummmm… buying for themselves… ha ha………ok with those great deals and items we don’t see everyday, how can you not?!... Don’t worry I bought some for myself too!... But the most fun I had shopping, was finding “toys” that we just don’t have around Grand Forks.  I can’t wait for Isaac to see his bow and arrow and sling shot sets (nerf-like items)!  Nothing better for turning a little boy into a country boy!

So much fun – quite certain it should be an annual event!!!.. minus the 8 hour part!  Be safe driving this winter!!!  And make sure you are home before dark!  (ha ha… Family joke!!!)  The deer are out during the day too!!!!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy Busy "Bees"...

My absolute DEEPEST apologies… I am not leaving behind my blogger family… just been soooooo super busy, I don’t even know where to begin. 

Like most of you, I am sure the holiday season has come in full swing.  I only have 1 gift left to buy!!!... Paying for them is another story… but we should be about to the free airplane (Delta miles!!) seats for Disney!  Ok so that is a ways off… but the American Express is pretty full right now… I hope they forget to send that bill this month!!  Yeah right…. One of the only things that is actually running on time in my life.  Those darn bills just keep showing up don’t they???  We had an amazing time in our Minnesota shopping adventures!  I will blog about them this coming week!... Some words - of mine, I suppose, I shouldn’t repeat… Horrible drivers… ha ha!

Isaac is excited that the Christmas season has filled our house!  The decorations are making it merry and bright!  --and it smells like Christmas too!... Yummy scents filling the house!  Joe worked this weekend, Friday and Saturday, while I had it off, so the boys and I …and “I”…. did most of it!  When Joe got home he was about murdered with over-joys of little boys to put up the tree…MORE importantly the train that goes around the tree.  Since Trevor was born. – so a whole 3 years now—it has become our Beland Family Tradition to have the train around the tree.  We may need a new train for year #4... it is quite abused.  If you haven’t figured it out yet -- BOTH boys are infatuated with Trains… I hear “Choo, choo”… or mention of trains in the house all day and I am sure it is nowhere near ending.  Nor do I want it to be.  I am so glad they can me passionate about something.  I hope that trait can stay throughout their life.  Not necessarily trains, but having a passion for something is crucial.  Without a passion, life would sure be boring. 

Trevor is truly ENJOYING his new speech sessions… The last time I brought him he pointed to the door with excitement and started getting his winter gear off before we even said “hello.”  You should HEAR Trevor SAY  "Hello"… it is sooooo adorable.  There was so much amazement from myself this weekend. The words that were flying out of that 3 year old’s mouth absolutely melted my heart!  WOW… I cannot even believe the progress --even in the last week.  It is unbelievable.  That is all I wanted for Christmas!  And it is already unwrapping!  Seriously, you – someone that isn’t around him much—could even understand it!  (Most of it!!!—I still can’t get some of it.) You have no idea how blessed I feel!  Thank you-- iPad, Speech Therapy, and FISH OIL… I think it is the miracle drug!  My high recommendations if you weren’t a believer before!   So much progress in so little time!

That is keeping us busy, and Isaac is busy with Kindergarten activites.  We have Gearing Up for Kindergarten again this Tuesday night—last one for a while, but the fun projects we come home with are continuously keeping us on our toes!  FUN!  An introduction into homework I suppose… I hope I can say “fun” about that in the years to come… I doubt it.  If there are any preparations out there for that… every idea is welcomed!  As I am sure that will be a motherly duty -- not fatherly-- although it should be BOTH!

Had a great and busy weekend for the Mary Kay Business.. with "Pink Friday" specials.  Just trying to have fun with it and get some great deals out there, while enjoying great products for myself!  Of course, I had 1 cake too!  Never ending!!  But enjoyable!... 2 more this week, so no time to make one for myself. 

Mostly keeping us on the tips of our toes and the verge of tipping over -- are constantly changing plans and ideas between realtors, builders, and ourselves.  We are officially looking to build/move!  (So—you can see why we are busy!)  Most importantly we want to get into the country a bit.  I have always been that “city” girl… ok so "town girl"…Finley wasn’t very city-like with 600 people!  But, I have never lived in the country… it is sure to be an experience.  We aren’t going too far… it, the area we are debating, is only 3 miles from Grand Forks.  So just far enough for me!  But very excited to have “land” the boys can run around in and be “free!”  I am sure many baseball games will be played!!!  One of the discussions we had with the boys, included Joe asking them, “Do you want to live in the country, or out of town?”  So I guess we all know what Joe’s decision was…since they are one in the same thing!!! 

Many decisions and I am sure many “discussions” to follow... already had a few of them… I guess I should add, “mind reader” to my list of spousal duties!... So I am sure there will be plenty of major decisions to encounter on this journey, but worth every one in the end???!  I hope so!

May this holiday season bring us more delights – if only through the eyes of our kids!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pride of the North!!?...

Isaac stormed in through the garage door last night all excited… I had anticipated the news… “Mom!!!... --oh just wait mom…”  He quickly got undressed from his winter gear, yes this Mom finally got out the winter gear and he was excited to wear that too – (not so much of the same excitement from me!)  He then continued up the stairs with a huge certificate in his hands—almost tripping over himself!  “I passed ‘d mom!!! – I did 12 Bobs”  (He always adds an extra “d” to the “ed” words??!)  He can now be in level 2 of Swim North Dakota swimming lessons and is wondering when he can start them already. 

Last night he couldn’t settle down and go to sleep… It was one of the worst nights of going to bed he has had in a long time… I could tell he was excited and couldn’t resist asking more questions and popping out of his sheets to attempt another one.  “When I am done with level 7, what do we do then Mom? – Go back to level 1”…lol… I couldn’t resist… by this time it was almost my bedtime, so he was on a short leash. 

I am very proud of him… conquering his fear of going underwater so quickly.  Going from just blowing bubbles and begging us not to put him under—whenever we went swimming – to 12 Bobs and jumping in by himself --  in 8 days!  Pretty good progress!  So I guess it was good to put him in lessons!!! Ha ha… I knew it would be, but now we are even more challenged to get swimming throughout winter so the excitement continues and more progress can be made!

I am also thrilled that he can be so proud of himself!  Kind of a relief, because he can get “down” on himself pretty quickly.  I asked if he wanted to call his Grandmas and Grandpas to share his achievement… “YES!” – who are we calling first?… I wasn’t moving fast enough.  I have often been “worried” about how to teach my children pride and about boosting their self-esteems.  I guess this triumph has verified the little accomplishments can mean a lot to him as well!

We have also conquered the bed wetting!!!  Pretty well anyways… not many accidents within this last month.  He finished his chart last week (we still need to get his “prize”… he isn’t too concerned I guess?!)  and I asked if he wanted another one or if he was a big boy now?... “I don’t need another one Mom!!!”

So the Swim ND certificate has replaced the “I woke up dry” chart displayed in his room! = with PRIDE!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I have been receiving a lot of it lately.  –for many reasons… How people deal with a vast array of situations is dependent on the advice they receive and give.  What would we do without it?  How do we deal with too much of it?  (Sleep less...either way!  As I have been getting "older" -- not until next month!!! -- I have seen my sleeping patterns are dramatically affected by stressors. = yuck)

Also Determined as Victimizing Instead of Cited as Encouragement??????  I know that may be a far stretch as to the meaning of ADVICE.  But all the same it is true.

From one of my favorite websites…Wikipedia:  Advice (also called exhortation) is a form of relating personal or institutional opinions, belief systems, values, recommendations or guidance about certain situations relayed in some context to another person, group or party often offered as a guide to action and/or conduct.  Put a little more simply, an advice message is a recommendation about what might be thought, said, or otherwise done to address a problem, make a decision, or manage a situation. Advice is believed to be theoretical, and is often considered taboo as well as helpful.

But how can we live or cope with life’s situations without the motivational advice friends, family, and the other “support” staff we run into throughout our lives.  Grandparents, spouses, therapists, doctors, co-workers, the man down the street that calls me “Bev” because I must have mumbled when I said, “Deb,” the acquaintance from the grocery store……Advice is given everywhere!

Whether we are supplying the advice or absorbing it.  Whether we request it or not.  There is stress attached to both ends. 

When we are the suppliers = Do we advise our friends “too much inspiration” -- as to feel pushy—sharing our opinions and circumstances as a threshold for how they can deal with a situation that is highly, and possibly completely opposite as ours was?…Should we share our thoughts and expectations as how we really feel, or how we would pursue the issue…or do we hide behind the true feelings just to spare the feelings of others, offering only “support” which may resemble the easy way out.  I suppose it depends on the one in need of the advice and what the advice is about, yet some “suppliers” are willing to share their advice regardless of thinking first.  Pushing the limits –always.  

How do we sort the information given and taken in…It can be overwhelming, although at the same time we need these “advisors” in our lives to help us stay on track and sane.  We should be expected at the same time to be that advisor for supporting others.  That is a 2 way relationship… friends, family, spouses……..CHILDREN.  I believe the innocence of children is some of the best ways “advice” can be provided.  They will tell you exactly how it is without over thinking every situation first, as I know I am guilty of. 

I suppose – no matter how bad we think we are struggling with life…there is always someone out there hanging on by a thread…we need to remember to be strong when others need us too.  So continue to braid those tight strings of support for your everyday relationships, and increase the quality of advisory roles we are placed in, because even though the advice given can be interrupted as harsh, or as encouragement – we all need  it… it is called a “shoulder” to lean on.  It’s how we communicate!

Even though we try to avoid it, sometimes we still ask the questions.  "Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." (Erica Jong, How to Save Your Own Life, 1977).  –again thanks Wikipedia!

With all of the current happenings in my life (a GOOD reason why this blog is behind a week!), it had me thinking about the advice we receive if we ask for it or not…if we think we need it or not….it is there—because we do-----we need it!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Making Progress...

Isaac heads to his 4th swimming lesson tonight… We are going to the University for lessons--closer to the house, but there are alot of lessons at the same time = lots of commotion, I suppose same is true at the Y.  The first night he nervously went under water about 4 times… now he goes 4 in a row!  His wide open eyes, as he peeps out of the water for his next breath, still portray the nerves, but you can tell he is ecstatic about getting into the water.  He is in and out …sitting on the ledge... all too often in my opinion.  He told me he was cold after Tuesday’s class…I told him he needed to stay in the water!  There is only one other kid in his class.  So I was hoping for a bit more pushing from the lifeguard.  But the class is good for him – I will admit that.  I am sure that I am critiquing a little more than most—but we are on day 4…encourage more of something else-floating, jumping in… not just underwater!!! Ha…not that I am telling anyone what to do… I am behaving myself.  Since I was a lifeguard and Joe too, I didn’t find the sessions necessary—it was Joe’s decision – a push from his dad—to put him in lessons.  We honestly just needed to find more time for him to be at a “pool” vs. the lake… where it takes more courage to “walk” into the deeper water, I think.  But it is just letting my little boy enjoy “his” time, so that is worth it… Trevor is not in swimming lessons yet (next year!?).  He would love it too, but this “Isaac” time is needed for him.  One of the bigger reasons why we joined Gearing Up for Kindergarten too!  He deserves our one on one attention as well.  I am not so called, “worried” about Isaac transitioning into a mature boy and entering school, but he deserves my attention and alone time with his parents too!!!  Now he is getting more of that – Isaac time—and I am quite sure he LOVES it!  I stayed home for the one on one time with Trevor last night and Joe brought the camcorder to record the proof of progress... really all we got was a memory that is full of noise and motion sickness... ha... the pool area is noisy...and the 12 minute clips are a bit much for a 3rd session of hopping in and out of the water...Maybe a steadier hand on the last night of lessons will prove more progress for Isaac!  ...so far, Dad has provided 12 minutes of proof for a 5 year old's love of the water!  Dizzying!  ha ha... he knows he isn't a camera man!  --all in all a good memory on record!

Fish Oil = miracle drug?????  Maybe so… I am already a believer…No Trevor’s words aren’t clearer, but there are sure more of them = already?  He was starting to head out of  the plateau just prior to starting the mineral, but I trust that it is a supporting factor in the big increase of vocabulary.  These are words we have heard before, but normally those words go into hiding for a while…I hope they stick around!!  That would be HUGE progress!  A cause for welcomed COMMOTION in the house! 

He attended his 3rd speech session on Wednesday.  He already started “playing” !!!!!!!  When Joe got to daycare to pick him up for his speech session, he started crying…telling “Daddy, no eech…no eech.”  So, Joe was thinking it wasn’t going to be a successful ½ hour.  But he (and myself) were pleasantly surprised with the outcome and his courage already!  Of course starting on this good track – Trevor won’t have speech due to Veteran’s Day and school being out on Friday… hope next Wednesday isn’t too far away to stay on track… but for now…more fish oil in applesauce…FYI don’t but it in Mac-n-Cheese...they didn’t eat it.  Not sure why it would “flavor” that vs the applesauce differently.  Need to go grocery shopping tonight –Need to get yogurt and give that a try too.  Thank goodness they both LOVE applesauce!  They have been getting a lot of it!

Progress for everyone – helps relieve this mommy’s mind for now!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mini Makeovers...

As I had mentioned before, I love to “re-decorate” rooms.  The boy’s didn’t NEED much for their birthdays this year, so we decided to give them new bedding sets and re-paint their rooms.  They both love showing off their new rooms! 

It is very enjoyable and stress-relieving for me to makeover an area.  From start to finish I enjoy each step…coming up with the plan of attack, watching the boys all excited about what is happening throughout the venture – answering the questions about How? Why?  …and of course the finished project.  It provides the sense of accomplishment that people can actually SEE.  All too often we take great strides in life – with really no “material” proof of what was done.  Just the everyday parenting as a whole is an example of succeeding with “little” rewards—ones that I wouldn’t trade for anything, but the fact that you can actually SEE progress in a project and get “physical” recognition from it, is an important part of pride in your life!  This is why I try to hang all the kids’ art work from daycare at least for a little while…even though it may cause “clutter” – it shows off the pride they put into the abilities, and shows them we are proud of it too.  Isaac often asks me – “Mom can we do a project?”  I am so glad they can enjoy it as much as I do and we can do those things together!  I guess this is the reason why I am “crafty.”  --the need to feel you have succeeding and completed something!?!

So I did some very basic “upgrading” to big boy rooms for their birthday “projects!”

Isaac’s room got an urban make over.  He now has the full size bed (from the crib).  And it is decked out in a “checkered” type bedding with blue, orange, grays, and black.  There are big boy things all over the comforter.  Motorcycles, helicopters, race cars….street lights. 

So the graffiti like squares I painted on the wall mimic the patterns from the bedding.  Isaac’s room was already a baby blue, so I removed the “baby” by keeping the blue on top (mostly because of the vinyl saying on the wall—needed to be preserved) and adding the bright orange on the bottom with the black border.  There is definitely no baby left in that room.  He was sad that the "treasure chest" (toy box) moved into Trevor's room due to lack of space, but other than that he was satisfied!

See how he had to ACT just like Isaac
and "Pose" on his Bed...They are
watching EVERY move!

Trevor’s room became a bit more colorful.  His new dinosaur bedding matched many of the colors we had around the house already.  The “architectural walls” throughout his room offered me many options for placing pops of color around the room.  I stole the rest of Isaac’s blue and orange paint and put them on a wall… I used the yellow from Isaac’s old nursery and a green from the basement down stairs.  Didn’t cost me a penny!!!  Always a plus!  (You can’t see the green in any of the pictures, but it brings color in by the door.)  Keeping the biggest 2 walls the neutral khaki helped tone all the colors down a bit.  (and made less work for me – remember this is a mini makeover!)  It was easier than all the stripes I previously had in my mind.  !!

The new bright green curtains add even more excitement to the room...and they are room darkening A PLUS!!! Esp for nap time!

I still love their names on each wall.  It really lets them know it is “my space.”  I think little—or big boys—need that too!

My boys are growing so fast.  No nursery left in our house.  I did get to help with my future niece's new nursery this past weekend though (so much fun -- I love it!)...Maybe I will get to share that in the future too!... I think I need her in the picture too -- "posing" for me!

Monday, November 7, 2011

The OTHER "A" word...

Trevor had his second speech session at the school.  It was reported that there was already improvement from the first day of speech, but he was most definitely scared... shaking in my arms as he reached for the door just before I was leaving.  I came back in ½ hour and he hadn’t participated in any “play” but he only cried for a few minutes = the improvement.  When I entered the room, he was “hiding” his face “in” a cabinet…just peeking out the corner of his eyes to be sure he wasn’t missing anything too fun.  The SLP told me a few “break in” iPad apps she uses… he thoroughly enjoyed the talking puppy one we played all weekend.  You can pet him, of course he burps – always makes kids laugh- and when you talk he will repeat what you said.  It was pretty evident that we as parents can understand him better than the puppy…  Other then “hello” –which was clear- whatever the puppy would repeat sounded just like Trevor – proving that they aren’t “really” words yet and you need to interpret them.  So, we will see what Wednesday’s session brings and if he wants to play “puppy” with them. 

Then Mommy and Trevor went to his “well-child” visit Friday afternoon.  It didn’t go “well.”  He was extremely nervous that I was going to leave him again.  Glued to me in the waiting room for 20mins…He didn’t cry until we went back to be weighed and measured and I had to let him down.  He didn’t want a sticker…nothing.  We went to the exam room and he did his blood pressure check REALLY well while sitting on my lap!  After the nurse left and in between the doctor coming in --about 15mins… he had calmed down and I continued to assure him I wasn’t leaving--it was probably a plus that they were running behind.  So he started lining up blocks as he does at home often.  As the pediatrician entered he asked if there were any concerns from me? And I brought up the apraxia... Trevor continued to play with blocks throughout the visit until he was “checked over” by the doctor.  He “categorized” them a few different ways…there was probably 30 blocks…separating (lining them up) them into big and small…and by colors.  I was pretty proud of him.  The doctor seemed a bit nervous about it.  Do 3 year olds not do that?  After the discussions the doctor stepped out and Trevor “got ready” to be checked out.  He did extremely well!  So proud of him, letting the doctor move his legs around, look into orifices, etc…

After the examination and his skimming of the SLP's notes, the pediatrician suggested we bring Trevor to a psychologist to get evaluated for Autism.  That “A” word is mentioned throughout the apraxia blogs and other websites I have been discovering.  I am not going to lie…it has been there in the back of my mind since we started this process, but he is so cuddly – on his terms though, and only to a select few?  So, is that why?... I had always “ruled it out” because he loves to be “arry ou” –held (Carry You).  Sometimes he loves to be rocked, but he usually wants to be close to you anyways –sitting together, lying in bed… His social skills are not adequate, but apraxia’s reasonings seemed to fit Trevor quite well. 

Of course the next “opening” for a psychologist’s review is in 2 months.  Jan 2nd…we are on a waiting list…just wonderful that I can dwell on it longer.  But really what would we change right now anyway.  Trevor still needs to warm up to his new SLP and get aquainted…and he still needs to work on speech skills.  So eventually we may need to increase therapy and introduce different types, but for now it is all about adjusting…mom, dad, and Trevor. 

Either way we are still going to advocate for the best services we can find for Trevor…if it means more “running around,” then that is what we will do – together!  Most importantly I want him to be that “child” and not miss out on that, but of course there is the feeling of despair trying to help him avoid the blemishes that come with growing up under any diagnoses.  It is truly tear-jerking and all the more reasons for an increase of commotions in our lives. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Did you see the 30 pointer?

I am officially the “single mom” for the weekend.  Joe will be in Finley (1 hour away) until Sunday.  Hunting season has started… Actually not until on Friday, but in our house it basically started last night.  I will not see my husband from last night when we went to bed until bedtime?? possibly on Sunday.  Preparing for the event was not “planned” out by me, thank goodness – and so I guess a full extra day (from today until tomorrow) is necessary for 1 man to get ready– no kids involved.  How does he think I function to get anywhere… ha. 

From what I am aware -- deer season is the EXACT same opening day every year – first Friday in November.  So, it isn’t a SURPRISE and you have to plan unexpectedly to get ready – is it?... Let me tell you a few reasons why -- Suddenly –last night he wanted to do the grocery shopping…we were out of milk…oh and OJ, I also had a small list too which he grabbed to go with!!!… All the junk food and OJ that he hauled in was enough for all of November…BTW there is a HUGE bowl of mini candy bars in plain view on the countertop…you would think that could be adequate for deer hunting.   Then at Joe doesn’t know where his blaze orange hat is?  He probably has 3 of them… amazing how things just get up and walk away…I had to go and look for him.  I couldn’t find one either… He has one whole closet dedicated to ‘his’ hunting gear.  NO HAT.  So great, let’s go buy a new one.  –This is also the time that he tells me he is getting off work at tomorrow – He hasn’t “sited in his rifle yet” – Really… oh yeah I bet deer season just crept up on you and you forgot all about it huh?...

SO again thankfully, I didn’t have to prepare and am not involved with the schedule of the activities –whewwww or it would be like getting ready for Halloween all over again. 

By all means, I am thrilled that Joe has a hobby and gets away with the “guys” –more so when the boys will be old enough to enjoy the “bonding” weekends through November.  Let’s just hope the planning and events can run a bit smoother by then?... I have my doubts, but this will always be the father’s duty to prepare for it – and that appeals to me as much as in 16 days I will be shopping with the girls!!!! (for 2 days)… so in the mean time, I hope to have everything off my list to do by tonight when I hit the sack and the weekend can truly be about Mommy and her boys… really looking forward to it.  Hope everyone is in a cheery mood and ready to “just be together!” 

I am quite certain that the camera will be an item left at home – in plain site – I guess there will be no proof of that thirty point buck?  Well, maybe I can have the pleasure of moving its horns around in my garage for the next year until they will or will not be mounted??  I think the others are still in there… one year later. STILL….Don’t worry --1 gallon of OJ will be packed and he will probably be out by Saturday breakfast.  Guess he will need 2 for next year. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spooky fits...

Halloween…sure spooked us all.  Early on, Isaac was quite concerned that I didn’t have the house decorated “haunted” enough for the sugary day approaching.  Often to and from destinations I was asked, “when are we going to ‘put up’ Halloween ‘stuffs’ to make our house haunted?”  (First if he actually knew what a “haunted house” was --  he would be the first to cancel all decorations = quite the scaried cat just like his mom.)  There are gigantic blow-up figures and yards filled with “Halloween”?  Don’t get me wrong I like the decorations and how they appeal both my kids, I am just thankful that I don’t have to put them up, take them down, and most importantly –store them anywhere!  Isaac thoroughly enjoys them ALL!  I have already taken down the “Halloween” in our house.  It really wasn’t even that much, but with birthday items and crafts… the disorder with the Halloween items was driving me up the wall.  I would much rather find spaces to display the kids’ “projects” than all the other extras.  I guess I am just waiting for Christmas, in recent years I have even been “setting out” less and less decorations for that too.  I love the home-y feeling Christmas decorations bring, but ALWAYS love to have my house back!

Also in preparing for Halloween – there are many discussions about the costume… we had them decided pretty early…beginning of Sept… I know – lol--- which may be the reason for the kids…and daddy…wanting to change them so often.  In the end both kids were proud to share what they were going “to be” for Halloween…

So why the struggle to get them on and kept on??  Trevor didn’t wear his dragon costume at all during the daycare fun day… Isaac only wore half of his.  Isaac was a pirate… he wanted a sword, but you can’t just walk around with a sword.  I “made” a simple costume for him, the pants were an old hole-y pair of his that I cut up even more…at daycare he wore them like the “capri” pants I cut them to be…He just couldn’t understand why he needed pants under them to go trick or treating outside…he wasn’t going to take his pants off… He didn’t want the eye patch – understandable he wears glasses, but I wanted it on his bandana…so then he didn’t want the bandana, or the belt….AND he didn’t want a jacket on under his shirt.  So there was pretty much something wrong with each article of the costume, except that sword.  I already knew Trevor was going to be a challenge if he didn’t dress up with the rest of the kids while at daycare, but Isaac threw me for the bigger loop. 

I had completely forgotten to “buy” candy for any trick or treaters that would be coming to our house until I was at work on Halloween day.  So, I “quickly” ran to the grocery store AFTER getting the kids (My first mistake of the night) and grabbed A bag of candy bars, I ended up buying 2 (luckily).  While we were there Isaac was determined to get a cookie, we were at the grocery store mom…He had a fit that foreshadowed the events for the next hour and half.  –surely there was about to be candy coming out of our ears – I stood my ground and we headed home a fit all the way.  We needed to get home, eat, change into costumes, (Isaac had most of his on, but needed to adapt a bit for the cold weather) and get some “nice” pictures of my kids all dressed up.  Ha!  It wasn’t after 5 minutes of being home and my steps were being trampled with kids (although most had costumes on, there were at least 5 older boys…12 -- maybe that were in shorts and a t-shirt and had a grocery bag for candy… all they had with – was no manners – scavenging around the younger dressed up kids egger for a piece of candy.  Now, when did it become “good manners” to trick or treat without a costume and at a house WITHOUT their porch light on?... I never turned my light on, I wanted to get my household together, so we could get out the door, with as best as a costume as we were capable to actually be wearing.  As kids we NEVER went to a house without a light on, and my kids didn’t go to one either.  I had 2 pieces of chocolate left by the time we left the house. 

I was making a “quick” supper of macaroni and cheese to eat before Joe got home and before our trick or treating could start.  AND trying to keep candy out of the boys’ mouths AND answering the door for passing it out --as I was annoyed anyway.  I guess I had anticipated them, but I still found it disrespectful. – anyways… Neither boy ate the macaroni… I want applesauce… uff… Just eat, so we can get on with the day, would ya?

After many threats and warning about not trick or treating without your costumes on-- I really meant the last two times… I was about to stay home with ALL the lights OFF and watch scary movies in the basement (and I don’t do that)—THEY finally put their costumes on and Isaac was even excited to take a picture by his pumpkin… Trevor took one, but it wasn’t easy.  Trevor was a dragon, he had his “legs” on no problem once Isaac was started cooperating.  (He is definitely a follower) and was ready to go, until I was trying to put on his “body” (jacket)  He was going in his shirt…we never did get the “eyes” up… on the hood, but the jacket was velcro’ed...Let’s head out the door.  We HAD TO have our red “ha” on though.  By that point I was SOOOO hot and annoyed I couldn’t wait until the night was over.  We started to get into the Jeep, but HAD TO take the pickup cuz that is what Isaac wanted –of course he got his way—Daddy was home and he ALWAYS does whatever is easier, kids getting their way or not, We were finally starting the trick or treating for ourselves--to go see the grandparents first.  On the way there I told the kids that Halloween is a fun day and we dress up in order to have fun and that they look great and everyone is going to like them and… and … and…. I know I felt like a big “lecturer” but after their attitudes previously it was finally time to set the vibe for the rest of the night… TIME TO HAVE FUN!  POLITELY!!!!!

FINALLY when we got back into the neighborhood the fun started.  Our nephew and his parents joined us and the next hour was fun -FOR ALL OF US!  We brought the wagon for any tired kids, anticipating the end of the night would end starting as it did.  Trevor thought his candy bucket had to go into the wagon between each house… I bet he put it in there 75% of the time.  Hey he follows the routine ALWAYS.  It was cute! And so were all 3 boys all dressed UP –finally.  I really enjoyed these moments, almost relaxing,  – was the beginning of the day worth seeing the boys have fun – I think so, just hope they remember for next year so it isn’t such a challenge to get out the door!  The kid in Joe came out that night too… hussling the kids to the doors, and onto the next house – he would have been out until with them – like that wouldn’t have been disrespectful.  We were home and in baths with tooooo much candy in their tummies just a little past the normal bathtimes.  They slept good, so HALLOWEEN –OR getting ready for it, must have worn them out.   

Whewwww… sorry that was a long entry, but so was the day!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Color a Happy Day!

Oh, a CRAYON Birthday Party!!!!  It was so easy!  Here is what I did!

The invitations:  I made them out of cardstock paper (scrapbook closet – needs to get used for something!!!)… First I cut the “yellow boxes” from one 8” x  12” page, by evenly cutting the paper in 1/3s in the “landscape view.”   Then I folded each strip… almost in half so the top tab can be folded over later!  Then I added the green bands and printed the “3” and the Happy Birthday “Banner” on computer paper.  I attached all of this with a glue stick!... I found clip art of a crayon and used it as a template for making- again “3” (in this case)- crayons to go inside!!!!!  Each crayon contained different party information… Example red: where, blue: what, etc…. I received LOTS of compliments!

THE CAKE:  Of course, this is the inspiration for the entire party!  Usually how my ideas start… all about the cake!  A friend of mine posted a crayon cake she made for the first day of kindergarten!  (very cute!)  So I “stole” the idea from her!  Use upside down ice cream cones as the top of the crayons sticking out of the box!!!  How creative!  I used marshmallow fondant for covering the cones and the banner, but everything else was my usual buttercream frosting.

ALSO, Betty Crocker posted a “Royal Blue Velvet” cake recipe, inspired by the sapphire engagement ring (Kate and Prince William!).  I had my eye on that recipe and where I could use it for a few months!... It was delicious!  And moist and PERFECT for a crayon party. 

The plates, napkins, utensils, etc...were primary colors = super cheap that way!
The favors:  SUPER easy!... And even cheap- Crayola items… I bought them during back to school sales… Probably one of the cheapest favor bags I have done yet, and probably the most items in it!  They were fun to put together.  I used a font I downloaded from the internet (a new experience!! Easy actually!) called Pencilpete that looks like you wrote with a crayon.  I used this font to label each bag with their name and am using it for thank you, since a 3 year old can’t write his own! 

I would say a very easy, fun, and creative –“something different”—birthday party!  This Mommy had a lot of fun with it!  (so did the birthday boy…whewwww!)