Exploring new recipes, mostly because I am growing tired of the same ol' meals, but also because it cures boredom for a bit
and also because I needed a pinterest fix -- with selling and constantly cleaning the house... any other project is quite out of the question.

Finally took a picture! -- June 2012 -- these are
one of our favorites! |
So tonight we had apps for supper... better than breakfast for supper? I think yes... I should have opened a nice cold beverage to accompany them, but I will be making them again... so next time! I made the recipe under my "Yummies" on Pinterest "Buffalo Chicken Bites YUM!!!" (
http://joelens.blogspot.com/2010/06/buffalo-chicken-bites.html ) and that they were!!!.. They are a bit time consuming, but I love to make fresh bread and this helped that craving too... I will probably double the batch next time... as they seemed to disappear quickly... and I usually do double recipes on everything. Items freeze so well, but I wasn't sure if I would be the only one eating them. And I wasn't... Joe stated "They have a kick to them!" And that was good thing.
For the sweet tooth... I created Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (Wow!) (
http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2010/02/24/peanut-butter-oatmeal-chocolate-chip-cookies/ ) But the title is simply stated as the ingredients are all expressed on the tastebuds = delicious... from other pinterest ideas I succeeded with great batches.
The Thick and Chewy Cookie Method was used on the LEFT cookie...
The Pampered Chef cookie scoop was used for the RIGHT one!
SOOOO decide for yourself! (I think my batch could have
used more flour, but Joe always gives me a hard time about hard cookies!) |
1st -- I "softened" butter to room temperature, in the microwave (YES
butter, not margarine.. as that wrapper would be dangerous in the microwave!!) The
pin stated... place the refrigerated wrapped butter stick in the middle of your microwave for 4 seconds on each side and it was
perfection!!! I am using this when I am short on butter for grilled cheese sandwiches, cuz I always seem to be?? Why is that? -- (one commenter gave the hint -- after the 1st 4 seconds, rotate it 180 degrees and then 90 after that and 180 after that... then you can keep track of what sides you have left!!!--so that is what I did!)
Then, I compared the "Thick and Chewy" method for forming cookies to look
bakery style from the same blogger as the recipe... Check out her blog for an illustartion for the method,(
http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2008/06/21/thick-and-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies/ ), but basically you roll your cookie dough into a perfect ball and tear it in half... then place the 2 halves together to create one jagged edge which is now the top of the cookie.. Place on cookie sheet with jagged side up and bake as directed....You can use this on any cookie!!... It was more time consuming, but they do look nice. (I should have had this great tip when I was presenting cookies in 4-H!!!) BUT, it is MUCH quicker to use one of the best tools in my kitchen -- the Pampered Chef Large Scoop!--Cookies are a breeze and alot less messy. (Plus, the boys LOVE that part of baking!) So if I am just feeding my family, I will continue to use the scoop method, but if presentation is ever an issue... I will give the Thick and Chewy Method a try again!!!
May try some more recipes soon!!! Will be heavier as a result, because so far sooooo good!
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