So on my little break (which is MUCH longer than expected...) we have really gotten into board games... it is either that or iPad all day long... wish is were summer, we would be swimming, and/or at the park all day!
Anyways... Isaac, Trevor, and I have had quite the adventure into EVERY board game we own (the Easter Bunny may need to bring more, for a variety--at least for Mommy!) I attempt to make it a fair game and even win myself sometimes... the boys still BOTH don't like that ;) -- I will say... who gets to go first? The youngest or the oldest? Isaac has caught on that he isn't included in any of that... Both boys usually just answer with a loud, "ME!" But Isaac had much more figured out than I had realized....
Our version has America looking $10 Bills... But the best
picture I could find!! |
It was Trevor's nap time, so we were ready to play a more challenging game... "Signs Up" Not sure if it is even available anymore, but it is from my childhood... my sister remembers it, but my mom doesn't??? It is worn a bit, so we must have played it??? --Anyways, Isaac was setting up the game while I was getting Trevor to nap... you mix up the store signs in the town's Main and Market Streets and you add or subtract from the rhyming cards to see how far you move!!!!!! (I have stopped reading the cards and Isaac just performs the equations, he has even told me, "Mom, don't read it yet!" Cuz that way he can figure out the answer
without cheating... ha (Proud Moment!!) -- while trying to put the signs back in their proper places!... You get rewarded $10 when you do so... Isaac likes to be the banker too!... We are working on counting by tens... but he isn't getting that yet....So, I came downstairs and he was almost ready... he doesn't want me to see the board until it is "COMPLETE" and ready for me to play!! So he was hiding over it and was giggling!.. so cute... because the signs make silly words like -- TO-ST... half signs from the
House of "TOys" and
The United States "poST" Office --SEE! Some do make real words--other than the actual signs-- and he tries so hard to make sure they aren't and needs to fix them before we can start (He is just too smart sometimes!) Like -- PE-ST --from
Fuzzy, Furry, & Feathery "PEts" Store and
"poST" Office... So he changes it so they are equally funny!!!... So we are FINALLY ready to start after a few minutes of the dedicated preparation! and he grabs the instruction sheet......
He says, as if he were reading it ..."If only Grown-ups and 5 year olds are playing --then the 5 year old goes first!" lol!!!!!! So funny... I couldn't stop laughing... wow... seriously a great little boy with alot of wit about him!!
So, I have retold the story to at least 4 parties... and he is
so embarrassed that he gets really mad at me and goes and hides... I am just trying to share how smart he is!!!!!!... Isn't that what Moms are supposed to do anyways -- embarass their kids!!
Peek - a - Boo!! I see you!!! |
We are also big into Forts (and Swords too --working on saying that word with Trevor--it's a tough one!)... I was busy with supper and Trevor wanted a he made one himself, he just couldn't wait for me I guess, and even when I tried --I got a big, "NO MOMMY!" OK.... Here is the mess... I mean fort that he created by himself... he was also so
shy and almost embarassed about it.. because I was looking at everything he picked out and it all had its carefully chosen spot... "Why is that chair on it's side?"...."BECAUSE!" ... Everything is
Because or
I don't know --
So the best part and most tiring of my break is...entertaining the boys... Daycare providers need alot more credit than we give them!
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