I just struggled through paperwork for registering a little boy, that grew up all too fast, for Kindergarten. Struggling only with myself as I may just not be ready to let go. Isaac is ...ready... he would have loved to go last year... He is very anxious to get started as I am just as anxious to be sure that he is prepared...both physically and academically...emotionally too I suppose. Reading through all their "informative" papers is heart-wrenching. I am resting easy knowing that he is prepared and that he is "READY" for school. I am not saying he is going to accomplish everything perfectly, I hope I can be the type of mom to see that he doesn't need to be that way too... But, I of course have already completed a list of things to continue to work on.
Also throughout the paperwork stacks -- I had to clarify vision, allergies, and asthma issues...(Which are all reasons my stack of papers were larger than the average ones -- I suppose!) I thought it was my other son that I did all the running and "figuring things out for"... I guess every child has those "issues" that just become part of our everyday life. More COMMOTIONS that we just adapt to living with.
As my dad informed about 1 week ago... he remembered 1 thing that the school asked of him... it was when he brought my older sister to the first day of kindergarten... "Can she tie her shoes?"... He said yes, and the teacher said ok -- goodbye!... Ha... Just after reviewing the stack of papers, I can tell that "readiness for kindergarten" has changed drastically over 30 years...
Isaac cannot tie his shoes.. until last week, I was unaware of that requirement... so it is on my list... He struggles with just a few of the lower case letters, and ALWAYS write the capital version of "E"...He doesn't even want to attempt the lowercase "e". So maybe we can convince him otherwise.
He also calls all coins "Quarters"... Mom, look at the brown quarter... (penny)... so I already knew that one, but we really need to work on buttoning his jeans.
I have been avoiding these situations... Using the wide variety of Velcro shoes available now, and slip on or sweatpants... This is the kid who doesn't mind wearing jeans, but would rather wear comfy clothes (like his mom! --sloppy me!!) That has been "encouraged," so to speak, since the potty training times... but either way we need to work on buttoning pants.. I suppose shirts is in a close second...It doesn't state that on the "Kindergarten" paperwork, so I can avoid that too right???!!! lol...
With Easter right around the corner... I suppose it would be ample time to identify those coins, found in the Easter Bunny delivered basket, by their real titles!... It would be a good start. Dress-button up pants and dressy shoes that tie.. seems like quite the "challenging" day for a boy about to enter Kindergarten... Guess we will be late for Easter Service... oh, well, we won't want to change anything and be on time as a family anyways?? Now would we???!!!!! I suppose he could even WRITE Happy East"e"r and work on that little "e"!!!!!
One less thing on my mind to think about... now we are just striving to locate an apartment within the same school district, so the pressure of open enrollment can be avoided, and more importantly -- Trevor can continue with the same SLP that he is progressing so quickly and enjoying his time with her!! Just one less thing to figure out for this mom that way. (We sold our house... as of now we are out on May 10th!!!--I am sure there is bound to be more stress accompanying that date.) Apartment living for us until our house is built. They should be able to start digging soon!!! with all this nice weather, it should be a great start!!!! I would love to be in by their birthday month, October... I really think that there will be a great chance of that happening!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Exploring new recipes, mostly because I am growing tired of the same ol' meals, but also because it cures boredom for a bit and also because I needed a pinterest fix -- with selling and constantly cleaning the house... any other project is quite out of the question.
So tonight we had apps for supper... better than breakfast for supper? I think yes... I should have opened a nice cold beverage to accompany them, but I will be making them again... so next time! I made the recipe under my "Yummies" on Pinterest "Buffalo Chicken Bites YUM!!!" ( ) and that they were!!!.. They are a bit time consuming, but I love to make fresh bread and this helped that craving too... I will probably double the batch next time... as they seemed to disappear quickly... and I usually do double recipes on everything. Items freeze so well, but I wasn't sure if I would be the only one eating them. And I wasn't... Joe stated "They have a kick to them!" And that was good thing.
For the sweet tooth... I created Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (Wow!) ( ) But the title is simply stated as the ingredients are all expressed on the tastebuds = delicious... from other pinterest ideas I succeeded with great batches.
Then, I compared the "Thick and Chewy" method for forming cookies to look bakery style from the same blogger as the recipe... Check out her blog for an illustartion for the method,( ), but basically you roll your cookie dough into a perfect ball and tear it in half... then place the 2 halves together to create one jagged edge which is now the top of the cookie.. Place on cookie sheet with jagged side up and bake as directed....You can use this on any cookie!!... It was more time consuming, but they do look nice. (I should have had this great tip when I was presenting cookies in 4-H!!!) BUT, it is MUCH quicker to use one of the best tools in my kitchen -- the Pampered Chef Large Scoop!--Cookies are a breeze and alot less messy. (Plus, the boys LOVE that part of baking!) So if I am just feeding my family, I will continue to use the scoop method, but if presentation is ever an issue... I will give the Thick and Chewy Method a try again!!!
May try some more recipes soon!!! Will be heavier as a result, because so far sooooo good!
Finally took a picture! -- June 2012 -- these are one of our favorites! |
For the sweet tooth... I created Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (Wow!) ( ) But the title is simply stated as the ingredients are all expressed on the tastebuds = delicious... from other pinterest ideas I succeeded with great batches.
Then, I compared the "Thick and Chewy" method for forming cookies to look bakery style from the same blogger as the recipe... Check out her blog for an illustartion for the method,( ), but basically you roll your cookie dough into a perfect ball and tear it in half... then place the 2 halves together to create one jagged edge which is now the top of the cookie.. Place on cookie sheet with jagged side up and bake as directed....You can use this on any cookie!!... It was more time consuming, but they do look nice. (I should have had this great tip when I was presenting cookies in 4-H!!!) BUT, it is MUCH quicker to use one of the best tools in my kitchen -- the Pampered Chef Large Scoop!--Cookies are a breeze and alot less messy. (Plus, the boys LOVE that part of baking!) So if I am just feeding my family, I will continue to use the scoop method, but if presentation is ever an issue... I will give the Thick and Chewy Method a try again!!!
May try some more recipes soon!!! Will be heavier as a result, because so far sooooo good!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Board Games and Embarrassment...
So on my little break (which is MUCH longer than expected...) we have really gotten into board games... it is either that or iPad all day long... wish is were summer, we would be swimming, and/or at the park all day!
Anyways... Isaac, Trevor, and I have had quite the adventure into EVERY board game we own (the Easter Bunny may need to bring more, for a variety--at least for Mommy!) I attempt to make it a fair game and even win myself sometimes... the boys still BOTH don't like that ;) -- I will say... who gets to go first? The youngest or the oldest? Isaac has caught on that he isn't included in any of that... Both boys usually just answer with a loud, "ME!" But Isaac had much more figured out than I had realized....
It was Trevor's nap time, so we were ready to play a more challenging game... "Signs Up" Not sure if it is even available anymore, but it is from my childhood... my sister remembers it, but my mom doesn't??? It is worn a bit, so we must have played it??? --Anyways, Isaac was setting up the game while I was getting Trevor to nap... you mix up the store signs in the town's Main and Market Streets and you add or subtract from the rhyming cards to see how far you move!!!!!! (I have stopped reading the cards and Isaac just performs the equations, he has even told me, "Mom, don't read it yet!" Cuz that way he can figure out the answer without cheating... ha (Proud Moment!!) -- while trying to put the signs back in their proper places!... You get rewarded $10 when you do so... Isaac likes to be the banker too!... We are working on counting by tens... but he isn't getting that yet....So, I came downstairs and he was almost ready... he doesn't want me to see the board until it is "COMPLETE" and ready for me to play!! So he was hiding over it and was giggling!.. so cute... because the signs make silly words like -- TO-ST... half signs from the House of "TOys" and The United States "poST" Office --SEE! Some do make real words--other than the actual signs-- and he tries so hard to make sure they aren't and needs to fix them before we can start (He is just too smart sometimes!) Like -- PE-ST --from Fuzzy, Furry, & Feathery "PEts" Store and "poST" Office... So he changes it so they are equally funny!!!... So we are FINALLY ready to start after a few minutes of the dedicated preparation! and he grabs the instruction sheet......
He says, as if he were reading it ..."If only Grown-ups and 5 year olds are playing --then the 5 year old goes first!" lol!!!!!! So funny... I couldn't stop laughing... wow... seriously a great little boy with alot of wit about him!!
So, I have retold the story to at least 4 parties... and he is so embarrassed that he gets really mad at me and goes and hides... I am just trying to share how smart he is!!!!!!... Isn't that what Moms are supposed to do anyways -- embarass their kids!!
We are also big into Forts (and Swords too --working on saying that word with Trevor--it's a tough one!)... I was busy with supper and Trevor wanted a he made one himself, he just couldn't wait for me I guess, and even when I tried --I got a big, "NO MOMMY!" OK.... Here is the mess... I mean fort that he created by himself... he was also so shy and almost embarassed about it.. because I was looking at everything he picked out and it all had its carefully chosen spot... "Why is that chair on it's side?"...."BECAUSE!" ... Everything is Because or I don't know --
So the best part and most tiring of my break is...entertaining the boys... Daycare providers need alot more credit than we give them!
Anyways... Isaac, Trevor, and I have had quite the adventure into EVERY board game we own (the Easter Bunny may need to bring more, for a variety--at least for Mommy!) I attempt to make it a fair game and even win myself sometimes... the boys still BOTH don't like that ;) -- I will say... who gets to go first? The youngest or the oldest? Isaac has caught on that he isn't included in any of that... Both boys usually just answer with a loud, "ME!" But Isaac had much more figured out than I had realized....
![]() |
Our version has America looking $10 Bills... But the best picture I could find!! |
He says, as if he were reading it ..."If only Grown-ups and 5 year olds are playing --then the 5 year old goes first!" lol!!!!!! So funny... I couldn't stop laughing... wow... seriously a great little boy with alot of wit about him!!
So, I have retold the story to at least 4 parties... and he is so embarrassed that he gets really mad at me and goes and hides... I am just trying to share how smart he is!!!!!!... Isn't that what Moms are supposed to do anyways -- embarass their kids!!
Peek - a - Boo!! I see you!!! |
So the best part and most tiring of my break is...entertaining the boys... Daycare providers need alot more credit than we give them!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Phone, Fish, and OFF
What do these 3 words have in common??????
Finally received something upbeat this week...I became unemployed along with about 25 other people around 2 weeks ago (Our small hospital--on the verge of opening-- was bought by the larger one in town)... so it has been rough. Trying to accomplish all those little projects around the house (YES -- I even started scrapbooking!! BUT it is rough putting it away all the time, because--like there isn't enough stress in the house right now-- we have our house on the market and are having quite a few showings!!) So everytime the phone rings--my heart skips a beat. I am hoping for either the Realtor, or the Job Opportunity. Neither with great news yet... still waiting.
Anyways...It has been my privilege to bring Trevor and the boys to their appts and all over. (They are still attending daycare for most days, because we can't lose her --she's great-- and I WILL FIND a job SHORTLY!!!)
So, Trevor received a progress report from Speech on Wednesday morning... So what do those 3 amazing words have in common?? They are all "F" sounds that Trevor has nailed!!! She stated that she probably wouldn't be doing "F" worksheets/projects with him anymore because he has "CONQUERED" that sound!! Seriously ---- amazing words to hear!
In the Progress Report it states... "Do not anticipate reaching goal by said date" (Which is fine --he still needs speech therapy and that would mean he is done) But -- Trevor has shown great progress with the final "t" "d" and "k" sounds. He has MASTERED putting ending sounds on words AND they carry over to sentences and conversation! (I LOVE THAT STATEMENT!) He is an EAGER learner (Let's hope that sticks around) and she appreciates his "willingness to work" during their sessions. (YES that is a 3 year old, who struggles with speech) So I am very proud of that progress report.
He has named "targeted vocabulary words" (I believe that means --words on his own without her saying them first with 54% accuracy. !!!! (He still repeats/imitates almost every word--often times not clear...but 54% is a huge percentage for a boy who didn't even want to attempt to talk, just a few short months ago. That is amazing as there were very few at the beginning of the school year. !!!!
He is getting REALLY good at animals, he has always excelled at "What does a ______ (animal) say?" He is actually really good at that, and yes -- those sounds do count towards speech therapy points!!!!! (not that there are actually points! But there is in my book!) He can even differeniate the sounds of a jaguar versus a tiger.. it is so cute, he does it better than me... but can't say "jaguar" well ...
It sure lightens the heart, knowing how Trevor has progressed! I have noticed it, my family and friends have noticed it -- but to see it actually written out on a piece of concrete paper, I am speechless on how that feels.
P.S. Fish Oil works well in Oatmeal too.. not sure if I have mentioned that before!
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